"Needing kids? Wow I knew you went off the deep end a long time ago, but this is new. Plus needing a shadow? That's complex, are you sure you have the right one?"

"Yes, because you are Peter Pan"

Emily makes a face. They had all thought that. Emily thinks for a minute before speaking her thoughts.

"But I'm not, I never was, I've always been Wendy. You should have known that. David calls me darling and the only person who Tink ever gets jealous of is Wendy. With you being Tink, I have to be Wendy."

"No! You can't be. I need you to be Peter. This won't work without you being Peter. Who is Peter then?"

The girl starts ranting. Emily tries to answer her question but was coming up blank since she knew David was Hook.

"Me, well it's either me or Ethan." Alex speaks up.

"Makes sense. David has always been Hook," Emily shrugs.


"Yes, Taylor?" He asks calmly.

"You as well?"

"Yeah, well, the only reason I'm here is because Em asked."

"Just in case she tried to torture me again," Emily states.

"I got David out of that," Taylor smirks.

"But you didn't, and can we leave my husband out of this?"

"Husband! You can't marry him."

"Already did, you need to let it go. David doesn't want you, he never has."

"You were supposed to end up with Alex!."

"Ew that would be like you being with Ethan, not that he wants to be near you either. Alex at least likes being around me."

That comment gets Taylor ranting even more. Alex just rolls his eyes at her making Emily giggle as she text the boys to see how the progress is going. They just needed to keep her distracted long enough that they could finish this. If she kept Taylor on the topic of her brother or David it should work.

Ethan walks in a few minutes later and his eyes go wide, seeing his sister pacing back and forth, waving her arms around as she yells about something. He stops next to Emily and raises an eyebrow at her.

"What did you say to her?" He whispers.

"I told her me dating Alex would be like you and her dating, though at least Alex likes being around me."

"Damn, that was cruel."

"That was nothing compared to what she did to me, it was just the truth."

"Oh I know."

Emily just watched as Taylor ranted, wondering how long it would take for her to notice her brother being there.

About ten minutes into Taylor ranting, David walked in and pulled Emily close. His wife melted into his arms as he kissed her on the head. Alex and Ethan smile at the two, impressed that their love has lasted so many centuries.

How long has she been ranting?

About ten minutes now.

That's a long time, has she even noticed Alex and Ethan?

Alex she has, Ethan no.

Damn, watch her notice me first.

Either that or Ethan will snap.

"Oh for the love of god, shut up Taylor!" Ethan yells.

Taylor does stop and stares at her brother. The look on her face was a mix between shock and confusion. You could tell she wasn't believing what she was seeing. Ethan used this to his advantage. He walked up to her and threw on cuffs and shut down her wings before she could even process that he was moving.

"What!? Ethan?!"

"Taylor, would you just stop screaming no one wants to hear you."

"Why am I in cuffs?"

"Because I'm arresting you, and boy do I have a lot of stuff on you. Kidnapping is just the tip of the iceberg. You should watch what you do over the years."

"See Taylor, you were so focused on revenge and getting back at me and David that you didn't cover your tracks when you were doing things against the law," Emily smirks. "Ethan there works with a special task force that hunts down Immortals that need to be in jail. Enjoy the dark depths of Infra."

"What? No! I've never been to Infra."

"There is a first time for everything," David quips.

Taylor screams as Ethan drags her out of the building. The other three just follow them out, happy to finally have Taylor taken care of. Though the thought that everything is finally over with the girl they have known for centuries stops Emily in her tracks.

"Em?" Both boys ask.

"What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Alex wonders.

"She means in general. You were the only one that was really living. We were always plagued by the thought of running into Taylor. This is the first time since we were thirty that we don't have Taylor to deal with," David explains.

"Oh, I never realized it was that bad. When I ran into Em all those years ago, I asked her to leave me out of Taylor's stuff. I never realized it was that bad."

"It was and Emily got the worst of it."

"Well I say we go grab our friends and head home. What do you say boys?"

"If it means I get to see you every day, count me in."

"Sounds nice, having others around," Alex smiles.

Emily loops her arms with the boy's and starts walking to the shoots, but then she pauses, producing her wings and letting go of the boys, flying off. They both start laughing and produce their wings as well, heading after her.

When Emily gets to the bottom of the shoot she looks around and spots Asley, before running to him and tackling him in a hug. He laughs as they fall to the ground.

"All the kids are safe at their homes."

"Thank you for helping," She says as they stand up.

"Of course, I'll always be here for you," He smiles as Gwen pops up from Infra.

"How about staying around in general? Like say, at the manor?"

"That sounds amazing," Gwen grins.

"I plan on making it a safe place for immortals, we could even expand if needed."

"Sounds great, I'm going to head to my place to grab the rest of my stuff, I'll see you at home"

"I'll go with you, David, why don't you and Alex go get his stuff."

"Sounds like a plan, Darling," David smiles.

"I'm going to get myself and everyone else settled at the manor. See you guys soon," Asley tells them, before flying off.

Emily gives David a quick kiss, then heads with her best friend to pack everything she needs.

A few hours later, everyone is back at the Manor and settling into their new home. Emily sat at the counter sipping tea as she watched everyone finally feeling at peace after so many decades of pain. David comes in with Alex and pulls her into his arms. Alex starts to cook and Asley comes in, talking their ears off. Soon Gwen comes in and sits with them. To an outsider, this just looked like a normal family having dinner together and that's how they all liked it. Ethan even popped in a bit later to inform them Taylor didn't even get a trial and was going to be out of their hair forever. This made them all so happy and they knew it would stay that way. 

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