Kyoto trip(Cheater Kanda x Reader) -part 1-

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Kanda and you have been dateing for about 2 years since middle school. You were like a nobody in school and Kanda was like, the most popular guy. Girls will fangirl over him. Along with Allen and Lavi. So, to avoid attention, he rarely talks to you or you either don't make eye contact. You bother decided not to tell your friends about it as rumors will start-and you will probably get bullied by his fangirls-.

This is the last year of high-school and principal decided to let your batch of students go to Kyoto next week for a study trip / or just to have fun. The trip is in 3 days time.

-timeskip to evening-

(Y/n) pov

'Maybe I should message Kanda.'

(Y/n): Hey Yuu. Are you excited about the trip?

I put my phone aside and laid down on the bed. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed.

Kanda: Yes and no...°︿°. Yes meaning we can go Kyoto to have fun. No being I can't spend time with you. T_T

I immediately typed back.

(Y/n): Aww... so sweet. I'll visit you every night so don't feel lonely (○'ω'○)

Kanda: Aww... thanks! See you tomorrow! Love you!

(Y/n): you too!

Then I off my phone and slept until tomorrow.

-skip to next day-

I had gone to the hospital to receive a report on a checkup that I went last week.

The doctor came out of his office with a file in his hands. Me and my parents walked up to him and he immediately said,

"I'm sorry Mr. And Mrs. (L/n). Your daughter has a cause of Irregular heartbeat and may have a attack anytime. I suggest you cancel the upcoming trip to Kyoto."

I immediately opposed to the idea and my parents gave up.

"You can go but please monitor yourself." Dad said.

"Yeah sure! I have a lot of wonderful friends that will help me."I replied hoping my dad would believe me because I'm usually alone in school.

-timeskip to first day in Kyoto-

I got to visit a lot of place by myself and most of them were shrines. But I had an enjoyable time there. It's calm and peaceful. Most of the visitors there were old people and we chatted about life experience.

Let's just say the day went by very fast and soon, it was time to go back to the hotel.

By the time I reach the hotel it was already 8.15.

We had 3 hours to do what we wanted to and I decided to take a bath.

After I bathe, I came out with a dark blue and white striped yukata that the hotel provided and went to the vending machine to get a drink.

That is when I saw Kanda. I walked towards him wanting to surprise him but I saw something horrible instead.

He was kissing some girl from another class and what's more, he seems to be enjoying it. I felt my heartbeat stopped for a second.

I started to walk backwards accidentally knocking down on the way. Both Kanda and the girl stopped and looked at me. As if my bangs had it's own brains, it covered my eyes not showing the world to anyone. Kanda walked up to me slowly and he started to speak.

"(Y/n), this is not what it looks like. Please let me explain." He tried to touch my shoulders but I slapped them away.

"We are through. Kanda Yuu, you are a worthless piece of shit who played with my feelings." I said looking at him dead in the eye not showing any mercy.

He looked at me, shocked, but I walked away before he even say any further. I started to hear the girl saying,

"See? The annoying girl went away. We can finally be together!"

I got mad. I break off into a run and Kanda chased after me telling me that he wants to explain it all.

'What's there to explain to me? I saw it with my own eyes!'

I mentally screamed to him.

I quickly turned a Conner and hid in a small and dark hallway. There I hid in the shadow and Kanda continued to run in search of me.

I sat there silently sobbing.

After a while, I heard voices. It belonged to Allen and Lavi. That's when the attack happened. I blackout immediately.....

Kanda x reader One-shotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें