Chapter Two

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Today marks the first day of school. Actually, school started a week ago, but because I was still hesitant about leaving my hometown, I tried delaying my departure for as long as I could. For example, I had suggested I could just teleport to the city whenever I wanted, but Mama quickly denied the idea.

She told me how busy the city could get and how anyone could easily see me. Still, I continued changing the subject every time she brought it up.

However, this Saturday was different; she wasn't in the mood, so she practically threw me onto the train—not before giving me a bone-crushing hug. Later that day, she sent me a message on my very first and brand-new phone:

"Have fun, darling! Please forgive my roughness from earlier, but I do believe this school will help you feel more comfortable, and I have no doubt in my heart that you will grow stronger. However, if you do still feel like leaving after at least a week! I will consider your offer to come back home. I love you, lamb. Don't forget to let me know when you get there."

This message did make me feel at ease, but then it hit me, school started last week!

'Everyone has probably already gotten to know each other, which means I'm gonna be the odd one out, and on top of that; I'm gonna have to introduce myself to at least 20 kids?!'

'How annoying.'

I got to the city that evening, but I had no idea where I was going especially since it was already late.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I had planned to go straight to school, but the train arrived early. I could still attempt to go, but walking through the streets of Tokyo at night as a young lady is scary, especially since it's my first time here.

Mama gave me enough money to survive here, but I was still going to be cautious about it.

'So should I stay the night in a hotel?'

"Agh, I don't know!" I said out loud.

So, I did the same thing any indecisive person would do; I flipped a coin.

"Heads, I stay at a hotel, and Tails I go to the school," I thought to myself with a very concerning smile.


I made my way to the least sketchy-looking hotel building and paid for a one-night stay.

Once I got to my room, I messaged my caregiver and wished her good night.

That night, I had a restful sleep without any interruptions to visit the bathroom, yet the night appeared to pass by fast as the sun rose before, I knew it.

'Okay, if I'm not mistaken... there should be some sort of path to the school entrance around here.'

Currently, I found myself standing before a clear path leading to the school. After waking up, I had taken a car ride that dropped me off a considerable distance from the school, forcing me to carry my suitcase and other bags along with me.

Before I could take my first step, I felt a heavy presence behind me and felt something had been placed on my right shoulder.

I stood still and with caution, I turned my head in the direction of the source.

I expected to see something along a curse like the ones Mama had described, but instead, I saw a man towering over me.

So, I closed my eyes and screamed.


I stepped back, feeling my bags slip from my grasp, and felt the hand on my shoulder release its hold.

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