I'm sobbing by this point.

"My mate is Alpha Luc Trentwood, and as soon as I found the out I ran. I fled, the thought of being trapped any longer killed me even if it was with my mate. So there you have it. My story, my past. Now may I please go back to training?" The last part I sniffed out as i was composing myself.

He stiffly nodded and I took that chance and bolted from the room.

Once I got to the training area I called Danny over," Can I practice hand to hand combat with you?" I looked up hopefully, knowing that he would let me blow off some steam by trying to beat him up.

"Sure let's get started." He gestured over to the training mats.

*one hour later*

I feel better. Telling the alpha was a bad idea today. It was like all of my old wounds had reopened by talking about my story.

A weight was lifted off my shoulders, yet another one replaced it. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to tell someone my story, yet I don't want to see the pity in there eyes the next morning.

I inwardly groaned while clibming the stairs up to my room. My new room is a good size with a nice large queen bed in the corner surround by colorful sheets hung from the walls. My old room on the other hand was ground level and the size of a broom closet.

No joke.

I striped off my my grime workout clothes and stepped into the warm shower waiting for me. The heat sink into my muscles and I felt all of the stress from to say wear off of me.

I got out if the shower and looked at myself. My older scars are fading away, you can't count my ribs any more, any my skin finally has a glow to it.

My newly dyed purple hair frames my face and makes my green eyes pop. I looked happier, yet its funny how that's not the truth.

I grab the counter and sharply intake a breath of air, I knew what was coming. The familiar pain blossomed in my chest, the closest thing I can relate it to is a heart attack. My wolf whimpers and the mate bond being blocked.

Almost every night I can feel him sleeping with some slut. I mean really does a man have to sleep with that many women, talk about a horndog.

Once it's over I slip on my black and blue party dress. Tonight is the initiation ceremony for the pack.

Excitement is an understatement, the whole pack is getting ready to be joined together. Brandon got the Permission from the alpha king this afternoon before I got to the office.

Slipping my hair into a pony, I slip on my convers and joined the party.

I look up at the moon as I walking to the clearing. Somethings wrong. My mother always said that when the moon has a halo around it, the moon goddess is warning us.

Keep your guard up, something is going to happen tonight I tell Prim. She nodded in agreement.

I got to the party just before the ceremony stated. The whole back garden area was covered in twinkly white lights. The grass had a stage at one end and food and drinks at the other. Fold up tables were scattered around the yard with colorful sheets over them.

For once it was nice to enjoy the party and not have to set it up. A loud booming voice calls across the yard," if I could have everyone's attention, please, " the party goers became silent instantly, " Thank you all for your continued support of this growing pack."

Brandon wiped his hands on his jeans nervously, you could see that he was nervous about joining the pack together.

"As many of you know today we became an official pack in the eyes of the alpha king. But tonight we become a pack in are own right as we join blood."

Cheers were erupted from the other party goers as we began to line up next to the stage. Somehow I ended at the back of the line as the crowd rushed to the stage.

One by one we all cut a mark on our palms and joined blood with the alpha. By the time I was up the party was about ready to explode. The cold knife dug sharply into my palm, I grasped Brandon's hand and immediately I felt my old pack bonds shatter and new ones form.

Everyone was congratulating everyone else in the pack mind link. I shut everyone becuase it was to loud.

I made my way to the back of the garden to grab some lunch when a familar sent hit my nose.

My father.

I ran to find Brandon. He was sitting with Danny and Zeke. Once he saw me, a concerned look came over his face. Before he could ask me what was wrong I answered him.

" My father is here and I can smell that he brought part of the pack." I stated, fear lacing my every word.

I could feel memories I had suppressed for so long trying to spill out, but I wouldn't let them. I had a pack to take care of and protect.

I could see everyone around me visable tense up as Brandon told everybody that intruders were here.

A low growl emitted from Brandon as he spoke," I know you are there come out here and discuss the issue at hand like civalized people. "

Not wasting any time my father ant ten other pack members emerged from the surrounding tree line.

"I found you." My father's words chilled me to the very bone," Did you really think that you could escape from me or your mate. "

I was shaking with fear, the thought of going back to them was excruciating. I never wanted to go back.

Danny shoked me by speaking up," No way in hell is she going back to you. She is finally happy for once leave her be."

The crowd shouted in agreement with Danny's speech. My heart swelled up with pride that people would stick up for me.

"Well since you aren't going to give her to us were just going to have to take her from you." A evil grin spread across his face.

Before we could react he shifted and lunged at me. I howl in pain as he drags his claws acroos my legs in an attempt to flee. I run far enough away from him to shift in to my multicolored wolf.

I bit hard on his shoulder and caught him off gaurd. I lowered into a threatening stance and growled loudly at my father.

He jumped up and grabed me by the scruff of my neck. The rest of his pack members stoped fighting everyone else and circled around me. I looked out in the crowd to see my closet friends beaten and bloody. The look of defeat is etched on there faces as the helplessly watch me being dragged into the tree line.

The last thing I saw was a syringe being shoved into me as I let the darkness over come.

My monster of a mateWhere stories live. Discover now