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Kai took off his mask when he got in the truck, he was in a country at war after all wearing a mask caused suspicion and it didn't help that he was Japanese. He might even be shot on-site walking into a military recruiter's office with a mask.

The hot sun battered Kai who took shade with the hood covering the bed of the truck. The deserts of Iran and Iraq were very unique since quirks were discovered the desert experiences all times of the year summer, spring, fall, and winter. It was currently fall but it was still sunny with little wind, a horrible blend for a war.

'What will they do with me? Will I be a normal infantryman? A sniper? Special ops? No, probably a mix of all of those. Three weeks and 135,000 dead on Iran's side who knows how many in Iraq. I guess we'll see if I make it back.'

The truck had just left the city as the sound of explosions in the distance got louder. Kai closed his eyes and dozed off. It would take an hour to reach his destination.

The sound of chatter woke Kai up as he found himself in a small city of sorts but filled with all sorts of older and younger people.

'Recruiting and training.'

The truck came to a halt and Kai hopped out throwing his bag over his shoulder. Kai started to walk towards the main office when he saw four teenagers, probably 17 to 18.

"Milad! Milad!" One of the boys called.

"Milad! Well?"


"Mhm." Milad hummed.

"Well then?"

"I don't know," Milad shrugged his shoulders.

"Does she know we're all going?"

"Yes of course," Milad said walking away.

"Staying at home? My god you're tied to your mother's apron strings!"

Milad turned around and stared at one of his friends.

"Give it to me, I'll scribble something."

'Nobody signed his forms. Interesting,'

"It has to be signed by his parents."

"Well, someone. Come on. Pass it here."

"That won't work, they'll find out."

"How will they? Well? Is his mother a pen pal of theirs?"

"Give me your pen," Milad said to one of his friends.

"I'm sorry I don't got it."

"Rasoul, give me your pen," Milad said to the friend who didn't agree with the forgery.

"You can't. Your father will hit you," Rasoul said.

"Have you got a better idea? I'm not getting left behind." Milad said.

'A runaway looking for glory in a war. Storybook.'

Rasoul took out his pen and gave it to Milad slowly.

Milad was about to sign it then he hesitated and turned Rasoul around and used his back for a solid surface to write on.

"Congratulations, Private Sadiq. We're going to the front."

"A dead man walking," Milad said.

Kai followed the four into the building. There was a circle stairwell to the top and at every step a body was there.

'A lot more recruits than I anticipated.'

Kai leaned against the wall next to the stairwell.

"Remember this moment!" A voice that sounded like it came from the middle floor yelled out. "It is a great moment! For in years to come, you will be judged based on what you dared to become today! The Iron Youth of Iran. My friends, we are fortunate to be alive at a great time. Your deeds will be the water nourishing the growth of a strong and noble route. Stand still and listen up, Persians! The Supreme Leader needs soldiers, not children. I am certain that I will see most of you again soon, here at home. Your sword returned to its scabbard with honor and respect. The symbol of land and sun proudly displayed upon your chest. However, take heed of this. In the darkest of hours, let me assure you that it will happen, that prior to an attack, you will harbor doubts. But this is not the time to concede to any mental weakness. Any unsteadiness, any hesitation, is a betrayal of the Aryanland! For modern war is like a game of chest. It is never about an individual soldier. Our only care is for the entirety of the body. You have a chance to earn the right to wear the uniforms you've been given. And by going to the frontline in Parviz, we'll pierce the enemy. And then you will, in a few short weeks, finally march on Baghdad!"

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