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One word, five letters; one vowel, four consonants.

When you look at it, it seems easy, light, or even nothing. But in reality, it is more than that. It is something that is hard to build and hard to earn.

It cannot be given easily, especially to a person who has been traumatized. And it's fragile as glass; once it's broken, it will be harder to fix.

I wonder, Is there someone out there who's still worth my trust?

Because I tried. I let someone have it once again. I let someone break into the wall that I built.

And now, I'm standing in front of a scene: a man kissing a girl, so passionate that it made me want to run.

But I felt numb for a second. No, for a moment. I can't even move my feet.

My heart felt nothing but mere emptiness, or too much pain.

I closed my eyes, hoping that it's just a mistake. I slowly opened it, and yet, the scene is still there.

Is this really real?

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