Chapter 5- the grand plan

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Welcome back! I'm on time this time. Hope you enjoy

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT??!" Don yelled.

"I understand that you're shocked but can you tone it down" Boboiboy closed his ears. Don was about to throw hands again but Norman stopped him. Everyone was so up tight so Norman suggested that that they all calm down for the sake of their own sanity.

A few minutes later, everyone calmed down. Boboiboy then began a brief explanation.

"This information is essential for the sake of your safety and everyone else"

Everyone started to sit down on the beds facing each other as BoBoiBoy started to explain.

"I'm, so confused" Gilda said while still shaken up by the previous information.

"My names BoBoiBoy not Kazue. I'm 15 years old not 11" Boboiboy shortly explained.

"What? But you look 11" Emma pondered.

"Because of the lieutenants power I presume"

"Power? What power?" Ray sternly asked staring at BoBoiBoy intensely.

"Let me first explain our situation. I'll explain the rest after I speak to the lieutenant"

"Can't say it in front of us?" Ray said.

"Strictly speaking I'm older than you. Therefore you should respect your elders Ray" Boboiboy snapped. He wasn't so much as annoyed. More like angry mother when their kid sneaks out of the house. Ray went silent afterwards.

"Actually. Don acting up before was understandable" Boboiboy smiled.

"It was?" Don said surprised.

"Of course. You want them to have faith in you. Actually, something happened once on a mission" Boboiboy started to tell them a tale from his journey.
"My friends and I were ordered to head somewhere else. But I was to selfish and ended up almost killing all of them"
"Your kids. Your minds are supposed to be filled with chearful and happy thoughts. Not negativity"

"We're already in a life or death situation here" Ray worded out trying to make BoBoiBoy cut to the chase.

"Nevertheless, me getting you out would be a piece of cake"

"Is that so?" Ray continued to make Boboiboy annoyed.

"Can you stop!" BoBoiBoy yelled at him. Ray was stunned. He couldn't speak, more like he wouldn't.

"Thank you. Either way, I wanted to assess the situation first. Why don't we talk tomorrow after I discuss things with my commander" Boboiboy said.
"That being said. I think you should blow some steam, Don, Gilda" Boboiboy recommended.
"You three wait here"

Everyone just nodded reluctantly because they couldn't comprehend a single thing at that moment. Don ended up having a break down in the hallway right after. It turns out that even though Boboiboy dumped all that information on Don and Gilda, they were still stuck in the process of processing what they had found out about their siblings.

Emma, Norman and Ray ended up apologizing to the two and they got into an understanding. Finally that issue was resolved. Or so they thought. Boboiboy, is no mere 15 year old boy. He's trained. Meaning, he knows that sister krone just saw Don and is planning on something.

[I'm sorry. But I promise you that this won't affect your plans. I needed to get her gaze away from me so that I can focus on the more important things] BoBoiBoy thought as he made his way to his bed.

Life beyond your imagination [|Boboiboy x the promise neverlands|]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें