when shi reach yasso... all bare foot, mi nuh think shi did cold a few minutes ago..

"Was I talking to you?" Indiana snapped at her.

"Arite unu nu-

"but I am talking to you, turn around and leave" Kacian stepped infront of me.

"Bbz" I called out to her as I pulled her behind me. "Let me handle it" I whispered to her.

"Obviously yuh nah handle it fast enuff, weh shi still a do wah?" she snapped.

"Indiana where is your car?" I turned to her, trying to speed this up to ease the tension.

Both ladies are shooting dagger at each other, I really never think of them being face to face with each other like this. I thought Indiana would get the message that I am no longer interested in her and leave me alone but it's like she is not going to back off.

"On the highway, flat" She turned her eyes to me.

"Ok, I will come and fix it for you so-

"No the fuck you're not... Sanjay you're not going anywhere but inside that house with me" Kacian argued as she points back to the house.


"Excuse me? who the fuck do you think you are to be tell him what to do and what not to do?" Indiana snapped, directing her question to Kacian.

"Go ahead baby, tell her who I am?" Kacian smiled up at me but through her smiles, her eyes shows so much anger.

"Kacian is my girlfriend Indiana as I already tol-

"Sanjay please stop" She laughed dryly. "Just stop with the foolishness ok? I get it, you're upset and mad at me but please stop trying to get back at me with her because you know you're only using her to spite me just like you have done with the others" She said angrily. "Its just that this one is going on a little longer than usually, babe please tell her to leave and let us go inside and talk" She soften her voice and reached out to touch me but I stopped her.

"Like the other's?" Kacian looked up at me quizzically with anger flashing through her eyes.

"Kay don't listen to her, I am not using you to get back at her" I told her honestly.

"Yes he is, he have done this before... we agrued, broke up, he find a rebound and then we made up and he just broke their poor little heart for me so save your-

"Indiana shut up and leave!" I barked at her causing them both to jump. " I am sick and tired of you being a pest in my life, mi nah bloodclaat repeat mi self again tuh yuh, mi move on wid har... I pulled Kacian closer to me, a little to hard that I know I will be getting cussing for later.

"You had your chances with me and you blow them all up, I am not coming back to you so please get that into your thick and stubborn scull , n-

"Sanjay" She looked at me shocked, the hurt that covers her face didn't let me feel bad for going off on her like that.

"Now I will only assist you tonight because of the relationship your parents have with mine's" Kacian gripped tighten on me and I look down on her. "I can't leave her stranded in the night so please understand that" I told her seriously.

She remove her hands from mine and stared at Indiana who's staring back at her with a sneer on her face.

"I will get your tire fix so you can go ho-

"Sanjay, it's too late for me to travel back to Mobay at this hour" Indiana protested.

"You can't stay here" I told her.

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