As the adrenaline from the earlier scare faded, you were now becoming aware of your blood loss. Wobbling from side to side, you gripped your side and leaned against the wall.


Was all you could say as you lost consciousness.

"Help !" You screamed as you sat up.

You weren't welcomed to the same street. There were clean beige walls, furnitures and a soft mattress under your hands.

"H-hey ?"

You jolted at the new voice, trying to summon your weapon, only for it not to work. 'What's going on ??'

"I see you are awake" A black haired boy, parted in the middle, gave you a wryly smile. He had bright red eyes that showed nervousness and timidity. "How are you feeling ?"

"...ok ?" You responded, looking around again "Hey, where am I ?"

"In my home. My mom found you unconscious, very badly injured. It's amazing you're awake already...or even alive"

'I've had worse' You thought and sigh, pressing your side to feel bandages. Checking your head, you notice there was a bandage on the cut. "Your mom did this I suppose"

"Yea..." He sat beside the mattress you were laying in for who knows how long. "If I may ask, what happened ? Those injuries didn't look like they were done by a person"

"It's a long story" You lied, knowing something didn't seem right with where you were. "Could you tell me precisely where we are ? Country, city or town"

'Oh God. She must have lost her memory because of that head injury' He thought as he covered his mouth in pity. After he told you, you were left flabbergasted.

'This isn't Japan ! Did I teleport or time travel or traveled into another dimension ?!' You were rubbing your head as a headache formed from thinking too much.

As you were having a possible mental breakdown, the boy gave a closer look at your face. Even with eyebags you were still pretty, like an angel. He felt like you were most certainly sent from heaven itself.

"What's your name ?" You asked and it sent the boy's heart flying.

"Arajin Tomoshibi" He gulped and waited for your reply or reaction.

"Thank you and your mother for helping me" You sat in a mannered position, bowing at him.

"You, you shouldn't be moving, it will open again !"

"Huh ? Oh, maybe I shouldn't yea"

"Eat well !" Arajin's mother exclaimed with a happy smile as you all started to enjoy the food

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"Eat well !" Arajin's mother exclaimed with a happy smile as you all started to enjoy the food.

"Thank you miss Tomoshibi for this meal" You smiled as you enjoyed the noodles.

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