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A beautiful blonde haired blue eye woman rests her feet on the dashboard of a fancy sports car being driven by Eliza Mikaelson.

Billie: Must we go to this hovel, my love? It's so filthy

Eliza(chuckles): Now now, darling, I know how much you loathe Katerina but---

Billie: I do not loathe her. I bloody hate all doppelgangers, Eliza. They all have attempted to steal you and Klaudia from me

Eliza smiles placing her free hand to hers linking them together and lifts her hand to her lips

Eliza: Nothing will ever take us from you, darling. I swear it.

Billie narrows her eyes glaring at her, Eliza chuckles at how adorable that made her

Eliza: You're adorable

Billie: I am not adorable.

Eliza chuckles as she pulls the car to a stop. Billie grabs her Prada handbag, Eliza walks around the car and opens the door holding out her hand and helps Billie out

They link each other's arms and heads towards the house.

Billie: Such a filthy place. What did I say?

Eliza opens the door and leads her wife inside

Rose: Eliza. Billie

Billie: Rose Marie.

Eliza: Is there somewhere we can talk?

Rose: Yes, in here. You have to forgive the house.

Billie runs her finger along the wall, looking at the dust on her finger tip and rolls her eyes

Billie: I much rather be in a beautiful five star hotel or a mansion. This is beneath me.

Eliza: So tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?

Rose: I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. You in a position to grant me that?

Elijah: We both have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If I so see fit.

Rose: Katerina Petrova?

Billie: Oh goody, the harlot. What of her?

Rose: She didn't burn in the church in 1864.

Eliza: Continue.

Rose: She survived.

Eliza: Where is she?

Rose: You don't seem surprised by this.

Eliza: Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere three hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina. Do you have her in your possession?

Rose: No, but I have better. I have her doppelgänger.

Billie: Oh yay, another one now. Bloody terrific.

Eliza: Show her to us.

Rose: Eliza, you are a woman of honor, you should be trusted but I want to hear you say it again.

Eliza: You have my word that I will pardon you.

She looks at Billie

Billie: What?

Eliza raises her eyebrow giving her a look, Billie rolls her eyes

Billie: Fine, you have my word. Now show us the newest harlot.

Rose: Follow me.

The couple follows her. They arrive at the main room. Elena hears them. She's scared and turns her head. Eliza and Billie looks at her. Eliza rushes over to her. She looks at her and smells her neck.

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