Chapter 3

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The Sky filled with Destruction

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As the Two continues further into the city, they soon stopped to observe the surroundings around them, A few people walking down the streets, Children who seems to be playing around with a Helicopter toy.

Calrius glances at Sionuix with the Hand fan covering half of his face, " Who would've have thought that this city would be so calm other than the Forest itself? Seems like Destruction couldn't reach this area for... odd reasons. "

" Not like we've been in trouble before, but you should get used to it. I mean... We still haven't found nor located Starrius yet other than witnessing other stuff in this city. " He muttered out while crossing his arms while Calrius looks at the small Children,

He sighed while slowly lowering down the Hand fan only to reveal his eyes, " Mortal beings... are sure something, unlike before they were quite... strange don't you think? Now they're all getting smarter each day. "

Sionuix gave a low chuckle as He smirked, " And here I thought that you noticed already but seems like you do need a lot of time to observe. " Calrius nodded slowly as if He agreed to a statement, " Why yes? If Xaneis was around, you'd be dying already. "

" Sure, sure- At least I don't get to hear those... mathematical... thingies or whatever you call them. " He smiled nervously while Calrius steps forward, " Alright then, enough of having breaks... We'll continue forward. Once again, just follow me. "

. . .

Meanwhile... With Starrius,

He continued walking down the Alley after a few dead beatings with Uwu cats, Blood drips from his hand as He wielded a hand fan... the sides of it were drenched in blood yet He proceeded to walk out of the Alley only to notice Two Blonde Figures which seemed... quite familiar to him,

After calming himself down, He shapeshifted into his original form with the hand fan disappearing from his hand, He went towards the two as his eyes loses its glow other than earlier,

One of the Two noticed him quickly as He gave out a smug off his face, " Would you look at that Lyx!.. A Man who decided to show his face towards the victims HE deceived after years... I don't think that you have a soft side on him, do you...? "

The Other remained silent as He felt quite nervous with Starrius walking towards them, He stops as He glared over the Man with horns in his head with his crossing his arms, " Enough with your tricks, can't you see that I've been here searching for five hours straight only to find you two!? "

" Tch, what is the meaning of this Starrius?.. What even caused this... reunion to happen between all of us? " He growled out as the Two stares to death while the Other looks away while holding a quill dipped in ink,

" A Rift opened up causing us to fall into this Realm, I've tried to escape its grasp, yet nothing works at all. " Starrius gave a rather frowned look as He then looks at the other, 

" Here I thought that you would be with Xaneis yet it seems like you haven't saw him. " He raised a brow while the other looks to the side with his head lowering down, " Well- I thought-... that he wouldn't leave me alone yet--... after that rift opened up... It took us both in causing the two of us getting teleported into another place but not with each other. "

Starrius's Visit: The Time RiftWhere stories live. Discover now