Chapter 10: Welcome Home, Y/n...

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However, the door is locked and needs power to open the door, which is why Y/n has the Grab-Pack to access to the next area of the factory and the only way to power up the door to open it is to find two battery packs to power up the door to open it.

FrownyFox: Looks like we need to find 2 battery packs to power up this door if we want to press on to the next room.

Y/n: Alright, let's search around the area for 2 battery packs.

Y/n then looked around the room for two battery packs to power up the door until Y/n spotted a TV that is left on and only showing static and spotted a VHS tape as he walked over there to grab it and inspected it before deciding to push it into the VHS player and sat down on the couch to see what's in the tape.

Y/n: Hmmm...I wonder why there's a TV in here that is still in working condition? It seems that someone must be living here, which is why there's a bunch of household supplies including a stove, a fridge, a couple of vending machines, a bed for two people and two comfy couches to sit on with a working TV and VHS player in this room.

FrownyFox: I don't know, but it feels cozy in here. Maybe we can use this place as a safe room or something.

Y/n: We'll see about that, FrownyFox. Let's just see what inside this tape through the TV, it might have some information that can tell us what happened around here.

FrownyFox: Good idea, big bro.

Then as the VHS player started playing the tape, it started showing the Smiling Critters TV Show intro, which Y/n remembered watching this show back when he was a kid, and he loved every minute of this cartoon series.

But then, just after he watched the intro, the episode started off at DogDay's house on a dark and stormy night and out of all of the episodes of the show that Y/n have watched all of his life, he has not seen this episode before and it must've been a lost episode or something.

However, as Y/n and FrownyFox continued watching the episode where the Smiling Critters minus CatNap were having a sleepover at DogDay's house and they're having a hard time trying to get a good night sleep due to loud sounds of the storm outside. Then they heard a knock on the door as it slowly opened to reveal CatNap as everyone was happy to see her as they asked CatNap to put them to sleep with her sleeping gas, but as the purple feline did so and unleashed his red colored gas to her friends, they all started to laugh like a bunch of lunatics before the screen glitched out as all of the smiling critters except CatNap (Who is sitting on the couch and stared at the viewer in a creepy way) were all lying on the floor and not even moving at all as they seems to be nothing but withered husks of their former selves.

After the episode ended and bring back the static, Y/n and FrownyFox were completely shocked to see that happened in a Smiling Critters TV episode.

Y/n: What the heck was that all about?!

FrownyFox: I don't know, but what I just witnessed will scar me for the rest of my life.

Y/n: Me too. Let's just find those battery and move on, so we can get out of here.

FrownyFox: Agreed.

Then they both got up to find the battery packs which wasn't too hard for them to find as Y/n grabbed the batteries with his Grab-Pack and placed them in the two generators to power up the door. Then after placing them in the slots, the door is working again with power and Y/n used the blue hand to open up the door as it began charging up the power before opening it, giving the two access to the next room, which is a corridor that will lead to a flight of stairs.

Never-Ending Nightmare (Yandere Smiling Critters x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant