I'm back!!! - 06

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Y/n, I just arrived home! I just can't wait to see you again! Come to my house as soon as you get this letter, ok? Ugh, why can't I just magic you here?  Anyway I'm back!

- Pansy

I smiled as I read the letter. That was the shortest one I had gotten from my best friend all summer. Quickly, I put on my shoes and coat. Practically running downstairs I almost bumped into Lillian. 

'Whoa, where are you going in such a hurry?' she asked laughing.

'Pansy arrived home!' I yelled as I sprinted by.

I stopped at the big fireplace used for travel. Stuffing my hand with Floo powder I stepped into the fireplace. 

'Parkinson residence!' I said loud and clear while dropping the powder. One moment later I stood in the living room of my best friend's home. The smell of honey entered my nose. I stepped out of the fireplace and onto the dark oak parquet. What I like about the Parkinson family home is how much space every room has. The living room has an extremely high ceiling and a wide view of the oak forest. 'Hello? Anybody home?' I heard familiar footsteps coming down the stairs, Pansy. 

'There you are!' I ran to her as soon as I saw her. 'I missed you so much!' we hugged each other so tight and I thought that I would never want to let her go again. A few minutes went by and then we started to laugh. Gosh, how I missed her laugh.

'I missed you so much!' it could be the green light of the fireplace but I thought that her eyes were a bit watery.

'I missed you too, Pans.' I grinned at the sight of her. There she was, back again.

'We have so much catching up to do!'

'Yes we do.' 

Giggling we went upstairs to her room. It was a mess, her king size bed was full of clothes and her desk full of parchment. The thing I liked most about her room were all the different dim lights giving it a cozy feeling. I yeeted myself on the bed. 'Where do we start?'


Pansy told me all about America and the drama that goes on there. The American system is very strange. I told Pansy about my summer in which nothing interesting happened except for my birthday. Sure, I went out with Draco and a few friends , nothing unusual, but without Pansy it just wasn't the same. After 2 whole months, we were back together.

'Y/n?' Pansy asked.


'Don't you find it strange that this whole summer nothing was asked of you by those bloodsucking bastards? I mean, not to worry you but that feels very odd.'

'You're right of course but I like the quiet. Having to actually work for those psychopaths isn't really something that is high on my summer bucket list.'

'Yeah, I guess.' she sounded hesitant but there really wasn't anything I could do about it. If they needed me I would have to show up and if they didn't I would stay far away.

'Enough about all of that, lets make plans for the last month of summer!'

'Hell yes!'

author's note: Hey everyone! So this is a short one but the next chapter is going to be better, pinky promise!

Slytherins queen to be - Mattheo RiddleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin