Chapter : 9 {Fireman}

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Y/n's POV :

"I am home!!" I opened the door but Ace wasn't there

It's almost 9 ,he went outside?

I picked up my phone and started searching for his number, I am glad I gave him the phone and taught him the basic


"Where are you?" I asked

"I am almost close by, I will be home in 15 minutes" He answered

"Okay then" I started to cut the call but he stopped me

"Ah btw"


"I got a job" His grin was obvious even through the phone



"So you went and started training to become a firefighter?" I asked

He nodded yes

"How tf?"

"Mr fireman next door suggested me to his boss after hearing I don't have any documents of myself, he explained to his boss about me being currently homeless and about my poor situation, he also told the boss he will take responsibility if I do any harm to anyone" Explained Ace

... Why will he be so nice?

"Why do you need a job anyway? Am I not providing you enough?" I asked casually

"No... It's just that... Your.... Rice cooker.... "



I warned him about his powers and the conversation ended there

I should have a talk with Mr fireman too..... Since he will be taking care of Ace


It was dinner time and Ace was still aa happy as ever




I could hear him sing from the kitchen

"Why do you need a job again? Was I not giving you enough to hang around?" I asked him again curious

"No... They were more than enough... It's just that... I just don't want to be a burden to the person taking care of me" He explained

Wow that's unexpectedly thoughtful?

"If you don't want to work, you don't need to.. It's okay if you are still unfamiliar with all this, You don't have to push yourself" I said as I put the dinner on the plate

".... But I really want to! I will let you know if I have any problems later on!" He grinned

After dinner I went to go and meet the fireman next door, Ace was catching up to One Piece to see Luffy's journey himself


I wonder if they are already sleeping

I knocked the door and his 7yo daughter opened up

"Y/N SAN!!" She said jolly

"How are you lisa?" I asked and she went running to her parents to say I am here

Lisa's mother came and welcomed me in

I saw Mr fireman getting out of the shower, perfect timing

They served me some tea and we began talking

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