2/-/ gone

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A few months later. Episode 2x22
Shay's POV:
Chief got married. I'm so happy for him. Shayla, now 5 months old, was beginning to crawl. I lay her on the floor and Kelly sits opposite me. She start to move slowly across the floor. She doesn't crawl. She wiggles. She wiggles to Kelly. After 7 minutes she finally reaches him. Kelly lifts her up and blows a raspberry on her cheek.
"Good job Shayla." Kelly smiles
Shayla giggles.
"There's my beautiful god baby," Gabby smiles and scoops Shayla out of Kelly's arms.
Shayla giggles again and gabby places a kiss on her cheek. Gabby sniffs.
"Uh oh. I think someone needs a change." She laughs
"Come here my princess." I lift her into my arms.
Kelly passes me the diaper bag and I quickly head inside. I head into the bathroom and pull down the change table. I lay down Shayla. I get her change kit out of the bag. I lay it down. I unzip Shayla's onesie, noticing it has dust all over it.
"Your dirty baby girl." I tell her.
I grab a spare onesie out and place it on the bed. I lay Shayla on the change mat. I take off her nappy, clean her and put a new one on. I go to put on the onesie but she starts crying and screaming.
"No onesie then huh?" I chuckle, putting it back in the bag.
I put her other onesie in and the change kit. I put her diaper in the bin and carry her out on my hip. I walk back out to the apparatus floor. Kelly runs up to us. He lifts Shayla into his arms. He gives me a look about her having no onesie on.
"She was being fussy. So no onesie." I shrug, putting down the diaper bag.
Kelly nods and plays with Shayla. Soon. The alarm bells ring.
"Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, engine 51, battalion 25, structure fire."
I pass Shayla to Cindy Hermann.
"Thanks Cindy." I call as I jump into the ambo with Dawson.
Cindy nods. I start driving.
"You're such a good mom." Gabby smiles
"Thanks, and what was happening with you and Casey?" I ask
"He proposed but the bells rung and he said don't answer now," gabby replies, "Shayla is adorable."
I nod and smile softly. We pull up at the fire. I can't see any flames through the glass. Squad and truck run inside.
"Got a victim on the bottom floor. Can you send in Shay and Dawson?" Casey radios to chief, "head injury."
He looks at us. We nod and get our coats on. I grab the stair chair. Gabby grabs the jump bag. We walk in. I see the victim.
"Dawson." I call, leading the way.
We bend down and start to treat him. I tape up his head. Dawson starts to intubate.
"Shay. You'll be PIC once I leave. Take over." She hands me the tubing.
I nod and swap places with her. I start to intubate him when there is an explosion.

Dawson's POV:
I open my eyes, coughing. What happened? I sit up. I see Shay laying on her back, unconscious.
"Shay!" I call, "Shay!"
She doesn't reply. I get up and see a pool of blood behind her head. It looks like she was hit in the head. I check her for a pulse. Nothing. I start compressions. I ignore the calls through the radio. I see Kelly in the corner of my eye.
"Shay?" He calls
He runs over and slides to his knees.
"Hit in the head." I murmur, counting the compressions.
"Here I'll take over." Kelly takes over compressions.
I check but there still isn't a pulse.
"Gabby. Kelly, she's gone." Matt exclaims
"No!" I cry as he gently moves me and him and some other guys take her outside.
I sit there crying. Soon, Kelly and I walk out.
"They've taken her to med." chief exclaims, "Kelly, go with squad. Gabby I've gotten someone else to take 61 to 51. Come with me."
I nod and run to his buggy. He drives me to med. we get to med the same time as everyone else. Kelly runs inside. We follow slower. Matt holds an arm around me. I see Kelly talking to a doctor. He breaks down crying. I know. Shay's gone. I bury my face into Matt's chest.
"I'm gonna call Cindy. Get her to bring Shayla over." Hermann walks away

Kelly's POV:
No! Shay can't be dead. She can't leave me with Shayla. I slowly walk out into the waiting room. I see Cindy with Shayla. I walk over. Shayla reaches for me. I take her into my arms.
"Hey Shayla." I murmur softly as she babbles.
She lays her head on me and falls asleep.
We soon leave the hospital. I decide to take some furlough. I head home. I lay Shayla on the couch. I go into my room and pack a suitcase. I then pack Shayla a suitcase. I go and out them in my car. I grab Shayla and buckle her in. I start driving up to my dad's cabin. I park and get Shayla out of the car. She is napping so I go and lay her in the bed. I bring in our bags and then head out to cut some wood, making sure to turn on the baby monitor. I manage to cut a few trunks before Shayla wakes up. I go in. I lift her up. I rock her but she keeps crying.
"Shayla. Come on baby girl." I try to soothe before making her a bottle.
I feed her and she calms down. I then realise she stinks. She finishes her bottle.
"Nappy change." I smile to her playfully and carry her into my room.
I set up her change kit and change her. She falls back asleep. I lay her down and then grab a beer and sit on the couch. I sigh softly before crying. Shay was gone. And she wasn't coming back. It hurts like hell. I finish my beer before making up a sandwich for dinner and heading to bed.

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