Chapter 12:Ruby makes a bridge collapse

Start from the beginning

"How's that for a little girl?" Amelia says.

The fight between Kade in air dude was really close, the guy summoned a gush of wind at Kade.Kade took control of it and transformed into a tornado and then slapped the dude with a gush of wind making him go into the tornado it beating him up in the process.Kade later desummoned the tornado and the dude that was in it was knocked out cold.Has those fights were going on that left me and the Slitherstalker, it instantly charged at me and tried to slice with its poisonous stinger I dodged it multiple times.One of the times it caught me off guard and I pulled out the knife Blake gave me a sliced the stinger of its tail.The Slitherstalker made a noise and turn to me instantly with more anger.
"Nice mutant scorpion?" I said.

It charged at me with Anger.

"Alaric!" I heard both Amelia and Kade yell.

The Slitherstalker got me with its horns and rammed into a rock, it pinned me against the rock and roared loudly at me in the face damn these things need breath mints.The Slitherstalker looked like it was about to bite me to poison me instead of using its dislocated stinger.Has soon has it opened it's mouth I summoned a white flame and threw it into its mouth.It screamed out in pain and it disintegrated from the inside almost instantly.Kade and Amelia walked and looked amazed and surprised they looked back at the remains of the Slitherstalker then back at me.

"And you said you were a normal kid." Amelia says.

I was about to say something but all of sudden a lightning bolt came out of nowhere and hit me.I tumbled back slightly but nothing more than that I felt pain but also more energy at the same time.

"Guys why did they do so little to me? Why do I feel like I have more energy than before but also feel pain at the same time?" I ask.

"Fire elementals react differently to lighting than the other elements, since lighting has heat it gives you more energy but lighting can still cause you lots of pain just less than other elementals." Amelia replies.

"Wish I knew that earlier because I would have taken that lighting for you so you wouldn't have had that broken leg."

"Alaric just because you're immune to lighting doesn't mean you can be our human body shield, just because it doesn't feel like it lighting is causing you more pain than giving you more energy than it feels."

"Noted." I replied.

"Yall are we just gonna ignore Ruby standing there?" Kade notices.

Me and Amelia turned and saw Ruby standing there.

"I'm impressed Alaric Whiteshadow, being able to defeat a Slitherstalker at thirteen is not a normal feat." She says.

"Ruby, I'm not the bad guy here, I'm trying to retrieve the sword just in case Darkness comes back and I need it."

"They all say something like that Whiteshadow."

"Ruby please you have listen to me Matthew and Madison-"

I got cut off by another lighting bolt but luckily Amelia shielded me with a piece of stone before it hit me.

"Guys we can't beat her, the only thing we can do is run." Amelia says.

"Amelia but I need to talk to her." I replied.

"Well looks like she's not in the mood right now so schedule another time."

I wanted to protest but just sighed, we ran for the bridge that Kade mentioned earlier.Ruby followed right behind us, as we got on the bridge there were so much people on it.

"Guys we need to get these people of here." Kade says.

"Won't they already evaluate because they will see Ruby's lighting?" I ask.

"Alaric, mortals can't see what we see, the element of time makes sure of that." Amelia answers.

"What do they see then?"
"Probably a gun or something I don't know."

"Guys! Evaluate the bridge! There's a crazy lady with a pitchfork with electrically charged barbed wire around it!" Someone yelled.

The people started running off the bridge screaming.Ruby casted another lighting at me but I dodged and she hit the bridge making it start to fall apart.

"Run!" Amelia yelled.

We ran has the bridge started to collapse.Will I was running I spotted a little black girl who looked 10 screaming while running, the bridge's collapsing was starting to catch up to her.I ran back for the little girl.

"Alaric!." Amelia yelled, grabbing my wrist.

"We can't leave her!." I yelled back, running back for the little girl.

The bridge stopped collapsing but she slipped and fell over the edge but I was quick enough to grab the edge and grab the girl before she fell.The girl looked at me with fear and tears in her eyes.

"Hey, Um what's your name?" I say trying to calm her down.

"Angelia." She replies scared.

Her eyes were pleading with fear and it broke my heart.

"Well look, Angelia I'm gonna get you out here alright?" I say

She nods still scared.I pulled her up to safety then pulled myself up, she immediately hugged me when I got up there I was a little surprised but I hugged her back, she broke the hug eventually.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome." I reply with a smile.

"Who are you?"
"Alaric, Alaric Whiteshadow."
"Are you a superhero?" She asks.

"Yeah you could say that." I say.

"Alaric!" Amelia said, coming running over here."You idiot! I swear to the element of time if you ever- Oh I'm sorry who are you?"

"Angelia, Amelia, Amelia Angleia." I say.

Amelia gives me a "Were not done yet I will punish you later for making me worried you little shit" look but then turns to the girl with a soft smile.

"You're very pretty." Angelia says.

"Aw Thank You." Amelia says.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

Me and Amelia's faces in sync go bright red.

"Yeah um where's your mom." I say, trying to change the subject.

It took a little while but me and Amelia eventually found her mom.

"Thank yall sm!" The mom said, giving us a hug.

"You're welcome." Me and Amelia both reply.

"Yall are good people, the world needs to be more like you."

We said goodbye to them and walked and met Kade.

"Where have yall been?" Kade ask.

"We helped a little girl get back to her family." I say.

"Turns out Alaric is good with kids, He should be a babysitter." Amelia says.

"I will gladly be one." I replied.

"Welcome to tennessee." Kade read, on the sign.

"Yeah I was very welcomed." I say.

"Shut up Alaric we got a sword to find."We then continued our quest in tennessee, which I would love to say was easy stroll in the park but if I did say that I would be gaslighting yall.

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