"You two done chatting" Atsumu snapped at us as we walked over

Suna stayed unbothered by Atsumu's childish behavior "Lead the way Osamu"

We followed the twins out of the train station and into the nightlife of Tokyo. Nighttime Tokyo is a lot different than daytime Tokyo. Drunk people are stumbling threw the streets. Women in maid outfits try to lure you into bars for a fun time. There are also handsome guys trying to do the same. I clang to Suna's arm after a man walked over to me trying to give me a hostest job. 

We passed love hotels with bright signs that showed staying rates by the hour. I doubt that Osamu would have us stay at one of those places. Then we stopped outside of a hotel it didn't look like the love hotels. There were no bright lights or advertisements for special rooms. It was just a white building with the words Kasaki Hotel in black letters above the door. 

"Osamu" I called to him before we entered the hotel

Osamu's eyes seemed to brighten as I called out to him "Yes Y/n"

"This isn't a love hotel is it?" I asked my face blushing with each word

Osamu smiled "Do you want me to take you to a love hotel-" he laughed at my embarrassment "-nah this hotel is for travelers who need a quick place to crash. I've had to stay here before while seeing Bokuto. Also, I would never take you to a love hotel... I got a better place I can take you" Osamu muttered the last part so I couldn't hear him

We entered the hotel lobby where a man was sitting at the front desk. He eyed us suspiciously but I didn't find it offensive. Especially with Suna and I still in our cosplay. 

"May I help you?" the man asked as we reached the front desk

Osamu took charge being that he had been here once before "We would like a room for the night please" 

The man typed on his computer until he found the information he was looking for "I've got a room with two beds that'll be 12027 Yen ($80 USA) for the night and I'll need a form of information" 

Osamu pulled out the money we had combined along with his school ID. The man took the money and ID before punching in the information. He handed Osamu his ID back along with the little bit of change we had and the keycard for the hotel room. 

The man looked me over before smirking at the males I was with "You all have fun and there is a vending machine on the second floor if you get dehydrated" 

I didn't have time to ponder his words before Suan pulled me away. Our room was located on the first floor of the hotel. We only had to walk down a hallway left of the lobby before we were outside our room. Osamu unlocked the door going in first.

When I stepped into the lit room I was surprised to see how clean it was. There were two full-size beds only an arm's length away from each other with nightstands on both sides of the beds. There was a seating area a few feet from the foot of the beds complete with a sofa, TV, and table. On one side of the room was a large window that had a bad view of an alleyway. Suna shut the curtains so we wouldn't have to see it. On the opposite side of the room were two doors one leading to the closet and the other to the bathroom. 

"Why don't you shower first Y/n" Atsumu offer 

"Thanks" I took him up on the offer wanting to get out of my cosplay

I grabbed my bag from Suna before going to the bathroom. Since I knew people were waiting on me I moved quickly. I took off the cosplay making sure to be gentle with it so I could give it back to Suna's sister. I was especially careful with the wig not wanting to tangle it.

Miya Twin's Pet (Yandere Miya Twins x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now