Author's Note

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Hello fellow readers and/or writers!

This is my first ever fan fiction ever written so please excuse any minor and major errors along with mistakes, so please be patient with me!

I've always had a love for Harry Potter which stemmed from reading the books at a very young age. Later on, I discovered fan fiction and never recovered since then. I was fascinated by the pure talent produced by these amazing authors and how imaginative their mind works when it comes to writing.

Despite my absolute captivation for fan fiction, I've always been insecure in my writing and failed to produce as good quality of works like those that I've looked up to.

I hope that after all these years, my work is enough for me to continue pursuing this amazing project and maybe even feel confident to publish more.

Now, here's background info about this piece!

- this fanfiction is purely fictional and written by me!

- it's been quite a while since reading the books, however i will do my absolute best to not butcher the timeline to the best of my ability

- this will be in all mixed sorts of POVs but i will make it clear if its first, second, or third!

- i also haven't used wattpad in a very long time so im not familiar with some of the mechanics and tools

-please correct me on any errors and mistakes! i can take constructive criticism but please refrain from being rude :)

- this is going to be a harry james potter x reader fan-fic and preferably fem reader!

- ive noticed that despite Harry Potter being such a popularized story, Harry Potter himself is so very underrated in his own franchise so i'd love to contribute to his story but with romance!

- there are time skips because i want to focus more on Y/N, also not going too much into what you probably read already in the books 

- some events are going to be changed/switched but it won't have any drastic effect from the original story

- the first year will definitely be one of the shortest compared to upcoming years

- i will be adding OC's! but ill make it clear to who they are

- ill be updating this story randomly but it will be completed :)

More about Reader L/N, Y/N

- your mum is a witch, and your dad is a muggle but both are involved within your life despite background differences

- you've lived in the wizarding world your whole life and had a fairly easy upbringing

- you will be sorted in the same house as the golden trio, sorry to all my slytherins, ravenclaws, and hufflepuffs <3

Without further ado, please enjoy!

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