Chapter 13 - Hoshinomiya Chie!

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As Yuto comforted himself, Chabashira Sae relaxed inwardly because she noticed that the homeroom teacher of Class B, Hoshinomiya Chie, wasn't in the classroom.

However, Chabashira Sae relaxed too early...

"Sae-chan? What are you doing here?" A sweet voice tinged with surprise came from behind Yuto and Chabashira Sae.

Chabashira Sae pursed her lips, while Yuto curiously turned around to see the owner of the voice.

It was a woman.

Although she was about the same age as Chabashira Sae, due to her wearing a light pink T-shirt and delicately made-up appearance, she looked like a girl in her early twenties, exuding a youthful and charming aura.

Under the light pink T-shirt was a knee-length skirt, and two snow-white legs were bare, exposed openly in the air.

Hoshinomiya Chie, with a sweet smile on her face, walked forward.

Her chestnut-colored hair swayed as she swiftly wrapped her arm around Chabashira Sae.

"Sae-chan, why are you ignoring me~~"


After noticing Chabashira Sae's silence, Hoshinomiya Chie glanced at Yuto, her bright eyes filled with curiosity and inquiry.

"Are you two on a date?"

"Who would go on a date in the school building," Yuto quipped.

Feeling weary, Chabashira Sae explained, "He's my student, Shimizu Yuto. Shimizu, this is the homeroom teacher of Class B, also the health teacher."

Upon hearing the words 'health teacher', Yuto subconsciously recalled many interesting plots that happened only in school infirmary...

"Hello, Shimizu-kun."

"Hello, Hoshinomiya-sensei."

After exchanging greetings with Yuto, Hoshinomiya Chie mischievously poked her friend's arm with her index finger.

"Oh, so Shimizu-kun is your student, Sae-chan? Isn't that the legendary student-teacher romance! Sae-chan, I didn't know you were so daring."

Chabashira Sae grabbed Hoshinomiya Chie's finger and twisted it hard.

"Ouch! My finger is going to break!" Hoshinomiya Chie cried out, quickly pulling her finger away from Chabashira Sae's palm.

Yuto observed Hoshinomiya Chie's proficient and rapid reaction. It seemed that these two teachers often engaged in such skirmishes...

Noticing Yuto's subtle expression, Chabashira Sae coldly remarked, "Have you decided on your target?"

"Yes, my target is Class B. Since there are quite a few gullible students in this class, I should be able to earn a good number of points," Yuto replied with a smile.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about? What are you planning to do?" Hoshinomiya Chie, the homeroom teacher of Class B, rubbed her finger, then looked at Yuto with suspicion.

After hearing Yuto's words, Hoshinomiya Chie couldn't shake off a sense of foreboding.

Was Chabashira Sae bringing her student here to cause trouble in her class??

"Hoshinomiya-sensei, I'm not planning to do anything, just wanted to make a friendly deal with the students of Class B," Yuto said with a smile towards Hoshinomiya Chie, his handsome smile momentarily leaving her dazed.

So handsome... wait!

Then, Yuto turned around and politely knocked on the open door of the Class 1-B.

"Excuse me, everyone in Class B."

Yuto's voice entered the classroom, and the students inside paused their conversations, casting curious and doubtful gazes toward Yuto.

"So handsome!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

The freshmen of Class B subconsciously nodded because the male student knocking on their classroom door indeed looked very handsome.

With his well-proportioned features and polite smile, Yuto displayed a gentle and amiable demeanor.

Not only did the girls admire him, but even the boys couldn't help but feel a sense of goodwill towards him.

Under the gaze of the students of Class B, Yuto confidently stepped into the classroom and walked up to the podium.

"Hello, everyone in Class B. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Shimizu Yuto from Class 1-D"

"Hello, Shimizu-kun!"

The students of Class B warmly responded to Yuto's introduction, with some even volunteering their names.

Indeed, they were little angels.

Yuto smiled at the students of Class B.

He believed that after the deal was done, these little angels wouldn't smile at him so warmly anymore.


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Classroom of the Elite: I Have the Ability to Read Minds! (COTE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin