Meeting the cast

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A/N: N/n =nickname


Today was our first day at work. Daveed and I decided to ride together, but it was more like me in the backseat while and his girlfriend did all their weird stuff. Anyway, when we finally arrived I immediately ran in, leaving him behind.

"Wait up n/n!" Daveed yelled, chasing after me.

"Getting tired, are ya, David?"

"It's Daveed and you know it!"

"Sure sure..whatever helps you sleep at night, dear brother."

As I walked in, I saw a bunch of people in the audience. It was like their watching a show. That's when I saw him. Lin-Manuel Miranda. Not that I like him, I just admire him. Cool guy, right?


Lin started to call the cast up to introduce themselves one by one. He started with a boy at the front.

"Hello, Im Anthony Ramos, and I will be playing John Laurens, and Phillip Hamilton." Said (apparently) Anthony.

Then a pretty girl with semi-curly hair and bronze skin.

"Hi! My name is Jasmine Cephas Jones, and I play Peggy Schuyler, and Maria Reynolds." said the girl, looking around as she spoke.

Then the line kept going and so on. 


Lin decided we would go over our lines before we started rehearsing. He told us to pair up with one person of the opposite gender, clearly trying to be matchmaker, but I didn't mind. I decided to pair up with Anthony, because he seemed sweet! 

"Hi, Im Y/N Diggs." I introduced myself.

"So I've heard! Im Anthony. You're Daveeds sister..right? Not like his wife or something?"

"Definitely not, we're twins. Fraternal, but twins nonetheless."

"Cool! We should now, right?"

"Definitely.'d you land  role where you die twice in one show?" I teased him.

"Haha, funny. How'd such a pretty girl like you land an understudy role?"

"Okay, you win. Also, thanks. I knew I was pretty, but I appreciate you for pointing it out."

" problem!"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 16 ⏰

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