Mission : winter soilder

Start from the beginning

We made our way to the first door to be presented by hundreds of shield agents running around with guns trying to get some sort of order to attack. I look around the building seeing that most of it is made of stone. " I'll search the floor below you scan this one" and with that the women is of. I think to myself for a moment "why is she so demanding" and with that I bust down door after door searching for captain America.

I get to the ground floor to find my partner but instead being attacked by a red head in a suit that hugged her figure nicely. The women blows be in the face with a punch which I quickly recover from and start attacking her. I finally have her on the ground in a choke hold until I am being kicked in my balls. Ouch. I double over at the sudden pain just to be jumped up on as if I was a fucking climbing frame. Her legs quickly rapping themselves around my neck. Until she is being dragged of my by her hair. I see phantom beating the women aggressively no problem. I see the women try and fight back but instead failing miserably.

Phantom looks up at me with an angered expression "DONT JUST STAND THERE FIND HIM!" And with that I am doing so.

Phantoms pov:

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WASNT THERE?" Rumlow shouts towards me and the winter soldier. " we scanned the whole building sir"


I lie in my cell tiredly after being put through that machine again (not erasing our memories). Until the cell door opens. 2 agents walk in side by side. Agent 1 speaks "the boss said you have training in the morning be ready" without another word spoken they left." I sigh "FUCK" I scream at the top of my lungs for no reason at all.

Time skip 1 year later and the winter soldier has gone. Where ? Who knows? And your memory has been wiped again and this happened over and over again.

I walk up to my punching bag and start aggressively beating the life out of it. Rumlow walks into my cell giving me orders to follow him. Without questioning his orders I follow him to a room with about 20 soldiers

"Phantom, your mission is to retrieve an ex member of hydra. He goes by the name of James Buchanan Barnes but he is known by his nickname Bucky." I listen closely to his voice not missing any information " but he was previously known by The Winter Soldier." He flips a board with photos of the man on it. I squint my eyes nodding slowly. " I want you to find him and bring him back to hydra don't kill him. Only kill those who get in your way. Do you understand ?" His voice stern one that tells you to not mess with him. "слава гидре" (hail hydra ) and with that we get suited up and and we grab our weapons

We get flown from our base to be hovering over a bridge with lots of cars on. " soldier that car there has our man in it" the women points to the car you quickly nod being rushed out of the helicopter only being held to a rope. I look down to see 3 black cars blocking anymore cars. I get to the ground  and was being handed my gun. I see the car in the distance getting smaller. I grab the bomb of one the agents and with full power throwing its at the car. I watch the car fly into the air after the explosion making the car land on the roof. " surround them " I speak sternly and with that 10 of the agents run towards the black car. I just walk towards the car being careful of what might happen 3 people crawling out of the car. One was a red haired woman who wasn't particularly short but wasn't tall. Another one being a blonde man with piercing blue eyes who was very tall and muscular. Then finally my target. He is the last to stand he has dark hair that hangs just below his ears and blue eyes that add a slight bit more colour to his face. He is quite tall but not quite as tall as the blonde. They all look round confused but ready to fight. me standing in the middle of the now closed of road fixing my mask that covers my nose and mouth.

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