chapter one

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'on behalf of the H.Y.D.R.A associates we commend you to zip up and return to your prison in where you belong as, witch.'

"that poor girl, she's seen as nothing but a threat to us, but we have use of her. As a military weapon, it could benefit the Sokovian military forces in ways we'd never imagined, and as for her brother, he could be put to use too."

"but sire! she's too dangerous, if a single thing wrongs, and she's easily offended..we'd be finished in a day, and ruin our reputation for life, if we'd even live to see a day like so."

"I am your boss, and you will do as I please, that scepter and the twins will be guarded. heavily. we won't let them out of our sight, do not fail me."

"yes sir! I will not disappoint you."

"you have no choice to Cawson."

Cawson walks towards the very cell where Wanda was kept, imprisoned, treated like a witch. He carried a safety gun in his arms walking along with two other soldiers for backup in case of mission abort, as Cawson reaches the cell he knocks at the wooden patches on the iron door.

"Wanda Maximoff, we have orders to change your prison cell to a highly classified one, if you have any plans of denying then we will take serious action against you."

Cawson opens the locks on the door, there were five locks- top to bottom, he slides the door open and looks around the small cell, which had been rotting up, but Wanda had other plans, she wasn't inside.

"Mission abort! Mission abort! we have a missing subject, I repeat, we have a missing subject!."

earlier that day

Wanda Maximoff, yes that's me, the witch everyone claims me to be.. but I assure you that's not who I am, at-least not what I turned out to be. H.Y.D.R.A sees me as a threat, yet they keep me here, and I'm helpless..I'm so helpless, now I have no other life besides this, waiting for my once-a-day meal at five in the evening, and rotting in this horrible cell all day.

My brother Pietro, he's trapped too, but not with me..his cell is on another level, they tend to keep the siblings apart so they'd have reduced chances of escaping, their planning to kill me soon. I know it. But I'm ready to die, I have no use here.. rather than being accused of a witch.

I don't regret signing up for the experiment, but the power stone chose me, it did. And I saw it..within my own eyes, there was a bright flash, and this..woman. My powers don't come from witchcraft, they come from the scepter, which H.Y.D.R.A keeps hidden, if only I had the answers to it, but I'm hopeless.

I sit in my cell, my back against the wall, my breath panting hard as possible..with all my thoughts leading back to home. 'Stark industries' took everything from me, my mother, father and my free-will, now I sit here.. wishing that everything would be okay, wishing that one day I could get out of this hell-hole, and who knew that the day I dreamed off would be today itself?

as I sit down and sulk, I hear a loud crash from outside my cell, someone had broken into the prison. I put my ear on the corner of the door to listen to everything I could, I heard him. It was a faint voice, a deep one, it was a man, as his footsteps grew nearer his voice grew louder. And what he said gave me the slightest ray of hope.

"Prisoners of H.Y.D.R.A, you're here for a reason, and that was either because you've committed a crime or been given powers from MY scepter."

I put both of my hands on the door and began to bang it to gain his attention, but he didn't listen, he went to the first cells in the prison and blasted them open, the smoke from the impact could be seen coming in through mine, one by one he freed all the prisoners, their cheers of victory were heard throughout, I couldn't help but smile.. and soon I heard my brothers voice, he spoke out about me, the man soon came to my cell and blasted it open, I was a free girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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