"Fred, was our school a boarding school in Scotland?" He looked at me surprised. "Yes it was. Do you remember?" It started to make sense now. What Angie had said earlier, that I had spent the summer holiday with her and Fred, of course I had. Given that I would be alone or with the housekeeper, given that the nanny had been let go when I started school. "I remember my father sending me off to a boarding school in Scotland and that I barely saw him after that.." Our eyes met and I could have sworn anger shone in his eyes, but I blinked and it was gone. "I spent the holidays with you, didn't I?" I asked him, already knowing the answer. He nodded. "After your second summer holiday, we spent every day together, until I got expelled. Then we spent a good few weeks away from each other. We promised one another that we would never spend that long apart again. And we never have," he said, smiling softly at me. I held his gaze. "And your family was okay with that?" I asked him, looking down at my hands. "Of course, mum made sure you had your own bed and space in Ginny's room. Said you had no place sleeping in mine and George's 'filthy' room," he let out a laugh and continued. "Ginny loved it, said there was finally another girl in the house and you two became close as sisters," he smiled at me. "She's the one that was here earlier?" I asked. "Yes, her and Ron. My younger siblings." he said. "What about your brothers and father, what did they have to say about me just moving in?" He let out a laugh. "Dad was over the moon, that first summer I couldn't get a moment alone with you, he kept asking you question after question about different muggle things. And you of course were happy to answer any questions he had. Mum kept telling him to leave you alone, but you loved how happy he was when you explained how small things worked," he let out a laugh. "You bought him different muggle objects every year for his birthday and Christmas, everything from books explaining how electricity works, to a few years ago. You bought him a portable TV" he gave me a grin "he broke it that same day, trying to take it apart to see how it worked. Mum was livid, but you just laughed and sent it to a repair man. You paid him quite a lot extra for him to show dad how it worked. I don't think I have ever seen dad that happy," his eyes shining so bright, yet so dark that I had trouble from this distance to see where the brown ended and the pupil began. "As for my brothers, Percy said he had someone he could have an intelligent conversation with," he snorted. " I take it you and your brother don't get along?" I asked. "That is an understatement, but I'm not gonna get into that whole story now," he said. "Ron didn't care that much, he was mostly happy that you were taking up all of my attention, so I left him alone," he gave me a mischievous grin. "Of course when me and Geroge overheard him telling Ginny that, we pranked him non stop for a week. Until mum caught us and... well let's just say the rest of that summer wasn't very fun," he shook his head. "Your older brothers, was it Bill and Charles?" he smiled. "Bill and Charlie," he corrected. "No they had already moved out at that point, so they didn't really care," he said. "So your family really likes me then?" I asked smirking at him. "You are a Weasley in more ways than one, you have always been a part of the family. Before we even got engaged," he said. "So when did we get engaged exactly?" I asked. He leaned back on the armchair. "Well I had always known you were the one for me, but when I got expelled and we spend that time apart, I knew that I didn't want to wait. I didn't want to spend a day without you ever again. So once the shop was up and running I started saving up for that ring," he said pointing to the ring on my hand. "By that time it was already late October, so I decided to wait for Christmas," he looked out the window smiling, as if remembering. "Then one late evening in November, after a particularly shity day at work I came home and you stayed up for hours cheering me up," His eyes met mine again, "You decided we should make my favourit cookies..." he smiled at himself. "I think we ate most of the batter and had a flour fight and..." he smirked. "We had a fun night, I couldn't think of a more perfect moment. So when you were distracted I went and got the ring. I asked you then and there, in our flat, covered in flour," he smiled brightly. "It was just perfect," I smiled back at him, "Did you have to do it when I was covered in flour?" I asked him, he let out a laugh. "You told me the same thing then," he smiled. I just shook my head smiling. "So when did we get married?" I asked him. "Well that's a long story, dark story, but I will say this.." he said "It was in the middle of the war, you and I were on the run. One day we decided that we didn't want to wait any longer, so we managed to sneak a message to George and Angie about a time and a place. Didn't even tell them what we were doing. They were a bit surprised when they showed up at a church, you dressed in one of your favorite dresses and me in a button down and pants. Nothing fancy at all. And we told them that we were getting married. We asked them then and there to be our witnesses. After the ceremony we had a picnic in a field near the church. After we went our separate ways, we didn't see each other until after the battle," he said. "It's the longest me and George have ever spent apart," he said mostly to himself. "Anyway you should have heard the earful I got from mum when I saw her again," he laughed. I couldn't think of a word to describe what I felt inside. Fred reached over to me and dried my tears. When did I start crying? "I wish I could remember that," I said weakly. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Hopefully one day you will and if you don't we will make new ones," he said. I gave him a small smile. Feeling for the first time since I had awoken from my come that maybe everything was gonna be okay again. 

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