14 Comfort

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The small clicking sound of the door being locked behind her brings Amanda out of her daze. More like shoves her out of it because she's suddenly panicking as she looks from the door to the blank-faced psycho in front of it. What could he want now?

"What?" she asks as civilly as humanly possible. All she wants is to drop down on her bed and let sleep possess her body and mind. She doesn't need his threats and orders. Not now.

"Sit." He points to his green sofa. Amanda doesn't obey this time. She's too tired for this. She wants to go home.

"I wanna go home," she says, her eyes glued to the door and her feet leading her there. He's about to say something but she beats him to talking. "I deserve a break okay? I'm tired and you just had dinner so find some way else to entertain yourself." She grabs the lock and twists it open.

"Are you sure you want to face your mom looking like that?"

His question hinders her from opening the door and she looks back at him with a frown. "How do I look?"

"Why don't you go find out for yourself?" August offers, his head signalling towards the two wooden doors close to each other.

Amanda hesitates for a moment but eventually does as he asks. He's right. She would hate to worry her mother more than she already did. She doesn't bother asking which of the doors is the bathroom since she's so out of it.

"That's my bedroom."

She lets go of the handle and looks at him with knitted brows. She was right about people confusing his bedroom for the toilet. She's about to advise him on how to furnish his place but stops as she sees the smug look on his face.

"I'm sorry. Did you want to go to my bedroom instead? I don't mind that either."

Amanda rolls her eyes. At this moment she can't be bothered to put him in his place. She faces the other door, twists the handle and walks inside. She takes a glance at the foggy square mirror above the basin. He must've just gotten out of the shower.

The girl staring back at her is one she hasn't seen in a long time. Her red puffy eyes, her constant sniffing so her nose doesn't run, her glistening roots moist with sweatdrops that run down her face. She didn't miss this version of herself. This broken version of herself is one she hoped she would never see again. But here she is and this time, she summoned her herself.

August leans against the door while Amanda washes her face. There's no way she cried this much because of him. What could be the reason? Did she maybe run into her ex? Considering how she's always whining about how much she misses him, it's plausible.

He goes to his room to bring her a clean towel so she can dry her face. When he's back inside the toilet, he sees her staring down at her hands. She seems deep in thought, not noticing his presence. He clears his throat to get her attention but whatever she's busy thinking about seems to have consumed her mind.

August walks further inside and positions himself behind her. He places one hand on her shoulder, the other one holding onto the small towel. She flinches and looks up. Their eyes meet through the mirror and for a long time, they don't break contact. Neither of them knows why. It's like they're being compelled by an invisible force.

For a brief moment, August wants to say something but thinks better of it, not wanting to break the haze of unknown emotions currently consuming them. Instead, his hand trails down her arm, leaving tingling sensations in its wake until it reaches the side of her waist.

Amanda sucks in a breath as his hand grazes her exposed skin. Her muscles tense up due to the warm tingles his fingers ignite on her body. Her copper globes stay glued to his emerald ones through the semi-foggy mirror.

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