Obey Me! Shall We Date? Headcanons - Catastrophic CandleS

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Happy Valentine's Day~!

You were walking down the cobbled streets of the Devildom when a large, pink sign in the window of Majolish caught your eye.

You retraced your steps until you were standing in front of the window where you saw a vast amount of red, pink and lilac candles neatly displayed with red and pink heart shaped balloons and rose petals.

Your eyes trailed up towards the sign instead.

Limited Edition Catastrophic Candles!

New Mystery Variety!

Valentine's Day Sale: 25% Off!

You smiled to yourself as you recalled the effects of the catastrophic candles last time you gifted them to everyone and couldn't help but wonder what surprises the new variety would have in store as you entered Majolish.

You couldn't wait to give him the catastrophic candle.


— As always, this demon's pride swells when you give him gifts, not that he would be willing to admit that too loudly though.

— "This is a pleasant surprise. Thank you, Mc."

— Lucifer gave you an appreciative smile and a small nod as he accepted the gift from you with promises to return the favour in abundance.

— Later that night, Lucifer was toasting the completion of his work and Valentine's Day by indulging himself with a glass of demonus infused with golden hellfire newt syrup while he listened to his favourite cursed records alone in his study when the candle that you had gifted him caught his eye.

— "It would be a shame not to light it," he reasoned with himself as he set his glass of demonus down on the table to pick up the candle instead, and took the candle out of its packaging before he then lit the wick.

— It was only as Lucifer sank back into one of the armchairs with his demonus and felt the magic of the candle take effect that he realised his mistake as he was overcome with a strong sense of desire, making him begin to feel hot and bothered.

— He usually wasn't bothered by the effects of catastrophic candles or golden hellfire newt syrup, at least not enough to act upon the impulses that they came with so easily anyway, but they proved to be quite a potent combination.

— He ran his hands through his hair, loosened his tie and unfastened the top few buttons of his shirt in hopes that this might help ease his sudden frustration.

— It took all of Lucifer's willpower to keep himself in check, that was until he heard a soft knock on his office door.

— "You may enter," Lucifer called out after he tried to straighten out his dishevelled state as quickly as he could.

— You slowly opened the door and peered inside, having made a steaming mug of coffee for Lucifer after you had grown worried that Lucifer was still working late into the night.

— Your eyes trailed over Lucifer's unkempt appearance before you finally spotted the bottle of golden hellfire newt syrup beside the bottle of demonus and the flame flickering on the wick of the catastrophic candle on the table by the armchair.

— "I thought you might want some coffee to keep you doing... " you spoke in a slow voice as you pieced everything together.

— He remained still and silent for a few moments and watched as you stood in the doorway, he felt his heartbeat accelerate as even just a glance at you made his desire grow by leaps and bounds.

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