chapter four

Beginne am Anfang

Bose pressed his lips into a thin line, "She's really not, again I thought we were both over this-"

"Oh my god you're so clueless," she groaned, "I've been giving you like a million signs!"

"I'm dumb! You know that!" He held his hands up defensively, "Why couldn't we have just talked about it if you were feeling like this?"

The girl sighed, "God you sound like a guidance counselor,"

"I mean you had two months to talk to me about it,"

She frowned, "You really moved on, haven't you?"

Bose tilted his head to the side, "Yeah I mean, I've said that twice already-"

This was getting horrifically awkward, and Bose wanted nothing more than to escape. Shit, this was such a bad idea. Before he could retreat anymore, Chapa appeared in the doorway once again.

Chapa walked up to the girl in small strides, holding the mug while covering the top with her hand, "One hang over cure, just for you-" she gestured for the girl to take it- "Family recipe, let me know if it's too strong for you,"

"Absolutely not," the girl crossed her arms, refusing the cup, "You probably coughed up a phlegm globber in there,"

Chapa fake coughed mumbling, "...chicken..." under her breath as she did.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing," a small smile crept across Chapa's face, "Just calling you chicken,"

The girl stood up and scoffed, "Oh grow up- do you really think I'm going to drink that crap just because you called me chicken?"

"I mean... kind of," Chapa shrugged.

"You're such a child," the girl said as she rolled her eyes and took the cup. Chapa's face dropped into a mixture of surprise and delight as the girl downed the mixture. She gagged and Bose quickly noticed her teeth and tongue were suddenly stained a gross light blue color.

...Almost as if boiled jolly ranchers or a melted slushy. Oh shit.

Before Bose could say anything or even attempt to intervene, the girl grabbed her throat, coughing and gagging, like a cat attempting to spit up a hairball. She reached out, attempting to grab at anything, clenching a fistfull of Chapa's jacket. Chapa promptly shoved her off, and the girl slammed into the floor with a loud thud, her body unmoving.

Bose stared at the girl, completely shocked. He swallowed, attempting to speak but too stunned for the words to come out. Chapa, on the other hand, was having a much easier time speaking.

"Holy shit," she hissed while prodding at the body with the tip of her boot, "Yeah she's definitely gone,"

That was the kick Bose needed for his throat to finally start working, "Oh my god! Call 911-"

"-It's a bit late for that,"

"What the hell did you give her??"

"Ah whoops," Chapa rubbed the back of her neck, and seemed to be suppressing a smile, "Guess I accidentally switched the mugs,"

"You just..." Bose was awestruck, staring at the disaster in front of him, "You just killed someone!"

Chapa held her hands up defensively, "Well technically we killed someone- it's not my fault the mugs were identical,"

"You did that on purpose didn't you?"

She shrugged, "Who's to say-"


"Sorry," it was a very fabricated apology, and it wasn't very hard to tell based on the way she was no longer trying to hide her smile.

"Dude-" Bose squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to stop looking at the crime scene they had just created, "Sorry doesn't bring someone back from the dead!"

Chapa guided him to the doorway and prompted him to sit so he wouldn't have to look anymore, "Shit I just, didn't think she'd actually do it- I was just trying to scare her,"

Bose brought his knees up to his chin and unintentionally started to rock, "We're going to go to jail,"

"I mean, we don't have to,"

"How? We literally just killed someone!"

"Dude look," Chapa ducked back into the bedroom, appearing with a book Bose noticed was on the bedside table earlier, "-She was literally reading The Bell Jar. Do you have any idea how easy it is to fake a suicide note from that?"

"I..." Bose paused, slowly collecting himself, "We're going to fake her suicide?"

"Do you have a better plan?" Chapa went back into the bedroom, and again came back with more items. She dropped a piece of paper and a pen into Bose's lap, and promptly started highlighting passages in the book.

"I don't even... what should I write?"

"She was your ex, write what she would've said," Chapa shrugged, "Write something deep like... 'My problems were Myriad',"

"You are strangely calm in the heat of crime,"


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ugh this chapter was so long- i cant believe i just wrote yandere chapa with a straight face

ignore the cover btw

i impulsively changed it and i lost the old meme i used for it

i'll draw something new and change it but for now you're stuck with my shitty sketch 🫶

anyways hope you enjoyed pookies

ill try to have updates more consistent in the future lol

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 14 ⏰

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