The Princess And The Queen

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Alicent was looking over as Alyssa was playing with some toys and Alicent said "Do be careful alright, Alyssa."

Alyssa nodded and said "Yes, Mama."

Alicent grabbed a hair brush and brushed Alyssa's hair and said "Don't you look beautiful, yes you do."

Alicent looked over and held Alyssa close.

Rhaenrya and Ser Laenor walked in and Alyssa said "Hi, Nyra."

Rhaenrya said "Princess Alyssa."

Alicent turned around and said "Rhaenyra! You should be resting after your labours."

Alicent grabbed Alyssa's hand.

Rhaenrya said "I have no doubt that you would prefer that, Your Grace."

Alicent said "You must sit. Talya, fetch a cushion for the Princess."

Rhaenrya said "There's no need."

Alicent said " Nonsense. We'll finish this later."

Talya said " Your Grace."

She put the cushion down and Rhaenrya sat down and Alicent said "What happy news this morning."

Laenor said "Indeed , your Grace" and Viserys walked in and said "Where is he, where's my grandson."

Laenor handed the baby to Viserys and Viserys smiled and said "Oh there, there he is, A fine Prince. Sturdy. You will make a fearsome knight."

Softly to the baby boy, he said "yes you will" and Alyssa walked up and Viserys said "Look, Alyssa, this is your nephew."

Alyssa said "He's small" and Viserys smiled and Alicent said "Does the babe have a name yet?".

Rhaenrya said "We haven't spoken..." and Laenor said "Joffrey. He'll be called Joffrey."

Alicent said "That's an unusual name for a Velaryon."

Viserys said "I do believe he has his father's nose."

Laenor smiled.

Alyssa looked at the baby and said "How can you tell?".

Alicent smiled at Alyssa and Rhaenrya smiled and said "Sometimes you can, Alyssa."

Laenor said " If you don't mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest."

Viserys said "Of course."

Rhaenrya stood up and Alicent walked over to pick up the baby and Rhaenrya looked at them, Alicent picked up  Joffrey and smiled at him.

Viserys said "Well done, my girl. I do hope the labor was easy. "

Rhaenrya said "I think I called the midwife a cunt."

Viserys said "Oh" and Rhaenrya and Viserys hugged.

Alicent handed Joffrey to Laenor and Alicent said "Do keep trying, Ser Laenor. Soon or late, you may get one who looks like you."

Alicent walked over to Viserys who picked up Alyssa. Viserys tickled Alyssa and Alyssa smiled.

Rhaeenrya and Laenor walked away and Rhaenrya said "You don't... think to consult me before you name my child?".

Laenor said "He's our child, is he not? You've had the name for our daughter picked for years."

Rhaenrya said "Only one of us is bleeding."

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