Just Co-Actors

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In the heart of Beijing, the city was alive with the spirit of Valentine's Day, and at the elegant venue of a luxury hotel, a special promotion was underway, drawing in crowds of eager fans and curious onlookers. Among the attendees were two well-known Chinese actors, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. They were actors, beloved by millions, yet their fame came with a price—the constant scrutiny of the public eye.

Despite their undeniable chemistry on screen and their close friendship off camera, they were careful to maintain a professional distance in public. As they arrived at the event, cameras flashed and fans clamored for their attention, but Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo kept their interactions polite yet reserved.

"Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, over here!" shouted a group of excited fans, waving their phones in the air.

With practiced smiles, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo posed for photos together, but they looked like they're uncomfortable at the seething stares of their fans.

"Can we kiss you, Xiao Zhan? You are so handsome!"

One of the girls with a blonde hair with the YiZhan headband spoke with enthusiasm.

"No! Why would you do that? They're married! Please respect them!"

The other fan commented.

"Eh? Okay then, can you give Wang Yibo a peck on the cheeks? Please, Xiao Zhan. Please."

One of the girls with a placard of a fan-art photo of them shouted. The other girls also seconded her request and scream for support.

Wang Yibo didn't comment but it is pretty evident that the person beside him is not happy at all, because he heard him curse under his breath.

One of the fans noticed the sudden change of mood of Xiao Zhan as she heard him curse, so her heart dropped in that moment.

"That's enough for today. Thank you for your support and love. We have to go."

Mr. Teng, the manager of Xiao Zhan butt-in and pulled him away.

Wang Yibo's manager, Mr. Soh also came into the scene and pulled him away as well.

"I told you to stop interacting with Xiao Zhan! I get it that you both starred in a drama before, but let's end that there. It has been 6 years since then. You wouldn't want your career to be damaged, right?"

Mr. Soh reprimanded him as they went back to their seat. Since the program did not start yet, his manager is still with him at the stage.

"You already told me that a hundred times, don't you think I'm old enough to understand?"

Wang Yibo spat and turned around to look for Xiao Zhan.

"That cocky bastard!"
He exclaimed harshly as he saw Xiao Zhan smiling at the crowd, waving his hand towards them.

Jackson Wang arrived and the whole crowd went hysterical.

"Oh my gosh! Jackson Wang! You're so handsome!"

"We love you so much!"

"I love you all too!"
Jackson Wang blew a kiss to the crowd that made them even crazier.

"Hey bro, what's up?"
He asked Wang Yibo as he pulled a monoblock chair and sat beside him. Wang Yibo ignored him and just stared at Xiao Zhan intently.

"Whoah. Yibo! If your eyes are made up of flashy, deadly lights, Xiao Zhan should have been roasted right now. A dead meat. Tsk. Tsk."

Jackson clicked his tongue and faced Wang Yibo.

"Tell me, what happened? Did you two fight?"
He asked, holding his shoulder blades. Wang Yibo retrieved his stare and looked at his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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