"oh, yeah, i'm [name] [last name], but please call me [name]. through chikara, i heard about this club needing a manager, and i need a club, so i filled out an application form." [name] shook the paper in her hand to show proof. daichi hummed.

"i can take that from you," a soft and... feminine voice broke daichi and [name]'s conversation.

[name] peered behind her to find the source of the voice, it belonging to one of the prettiest girls she had ever seen. she was carrying a few water bottles, presumably for the volleyball players, and a clipboard. her silky, black locks flowed right below her shoulders and a set of cute, perfectly framed glasses rested on her face along with a cute beauty mark.

the [hair color] haired girl could feel her face heat up again. deciding to attempt at improving her social skills, the girl spoke up, "oh, okay! are you a manager, too?"

the black haired girl grabbed the wrinkly paper from the other girl's hand, clipping it to the stack of papers on her clipboard. she smiled softly at her new manager, nodding. "mhm. i'm kiyoko shimizu, i'm glad another girl is joining the club."

from kiyoko's perspective, she saw [name] just as beautiful as [name] saw her. she couldn't help but notice how her hair framed her face shape perfectly, and how perfect her skin was. kiyoko herself felt like blushing, but she scrambled to something else to focus on that wouldn't make her flustered, like tanaka.

"they're perfect together! both beautiful angels! we're so lucky to have them as our managers!" tanaka weeped with his hands grasping daichi and suga's shoulders, his head slumped against them.

daichi sighed, shoving tanaka's head off his shoulder as he approached [name]. "if you regret your decision joining this club because of meat head over there, i understand. but if not, why don't you tell us more about yourself? i see you're friends with ennoshita." daichi smiled at the mentioned boy (even if he was late to practice).

"yep, we've been friends since our first year. i'm a second year, if you couldn't guess. umm... i guess another reason for joining besides the club requirement is i'm actually a certified emt," [name] began.

"oh, really? that's impressive," daichi praised.

"thanks..." [name] could feel her cheeks redden, "umm, so, yeah. i can help out if any of you get injured-"

'i hope i get injured so she can nurse me back to health!' tanaka squeled internally.

"-and another thing, i like photography! that was actually my club before this, but it kinda went to shit so here i am. i'd love to take pictures of you guys for really anything. personal use, yearbook, promotional stuff. i actually took some pictures of you guys practicing... b-but i can delete them if you didn't want your picture taken, i should've asked beforehand," [name] stammered.

daichi chuckled, placing a firm hand on the girl's shoulder. "no, no, that's okay! i'm sure we're all fine with that. but that's very impressive, [name]. you're a very skillful person. you'd be a great asset to this team. could we see the photos?"

with a spark of excitement, [name] frantically nodded her head and aligned herself to daichi's side so he could get a better look. some of the other boys including suga, ennoshita, and tanaka stumbled over, peering over [name]'s shoulder as she skimmed through her quickly captured shots of them playing.

"holy shit, i look so cool in that one," tanaka exclaimed with a finger pointed directly at the camera. [name] smiled as she enjoyed all the boys' "ooo's" and "ahh's".

eventually, the group scrolled through all of the volleyball photoshoot. the new manager received a multitude of compliments along with swift pats to the back. she couldn't feel anymore flustered.

"well, [name], we have a practice game coming up. you can show off all your skills then, okay?" daichi grinned.

[name] nodded with intent, exicited yet nervous to be a manager. she peered around at the volleyball club to take in everyone. she quickly realized if this was the whole volleyball club... there wasn't a lot of them.

"is this... everyone?" the [hair color] haired girl pondered with squinty eyes. she could could only count six people volleyball players.

daichi chuckled and quickly shook his head. "no, no. our first years have been practicing getting along and a few others were still trying to wrangle in. we'll be a full roster soon, [name]."

"ahh, i see," [name] mumbled. "well, i guess i should be heading back since it seems like your practice is over. i'm sorry for not coming earlier and actually being a manager," [name] stated with bashful cheeks. from besides her, ennoshita sighed inwardly to himself. [name] was always to apologetic even when she didn't need to be. he flicked her arm, hidden away from everyone else. she shot him a look.

"you're such a worry wart. don't worry. you can officially start tomorrow, right guys?" daichi sent his peers a look as he placed a steady hand on the girl's shoulder. suga, along with the other volleyball members and kiyoko, eagerly shook their heads yes, comforting [name]. "actually... we need to clean up the gym before we head out, so why don't you help out now? we don't want you to walk alone so we'll be going with you, too."

[name]'s eyes immediately began to sparkle with excitement as she began to feel a sense of belonging. daichi's comforting touch, suga's soft smile, ennoshita's teasing- [name] knew her new position as the karasuno's volleyball manager was no regret. "of course! how could i say no?"

together as a team, [name] began to clean the gym along with the other volleyball boys and kiyoko, eager to see what was in store for her next.

together as a team, [name] began to clean the gym along with the other volleyball boys and kiyoko, eager to see what was in store for her next

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- tanaka is determined to get [name]'s roblox user.

- suga has always had a slight interest in photography, so seeing [name]'s talent in the topic, his interest has seemed to skyrocket.

- kiyoko is confused to why her heart skipped a beat in a fluttery way more than an anxious way when meeting [name].

- narita and kinoshita have always been jealous of ennoshita's closeness to [name]. how he got major play?!

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