1. New World

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Crystal's POV:

Walking through New York City was dangerous, especially at night. But I had my best friends, they really knew how to kick butt if we got mugged. I, however, was scrolling my camera roll, which was mostly of the smart Mutant turtle Donatello from my favorite cartoon; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 

"You're still obsessed!?" Rae asked angrily. 

"Yes," I mutter. It's never a big deal until she makes it one. I shook my head while looking down, unaware that my friends stopped walking. I looked up in time to fall through a triangular purple portal. My friends were sucked in after me. 

The four of us woke up still in New York City, but, it was different. I stood up and helped my friends. 

"Where are we!?" Claire asked. She looked around and prepared to fight if necessary. We all heard yelling from ahead of us and I stopped dead in my tracks. 

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

 I thought. I glanced at my friends. Zoe was messing with her skateboard, Claire was analyzing the situation and Rae looked ready to insult the turtles. 

"Hey! Nice 'salad tongs'!" She yelled to Raph. I gasped and covered her mouth. She just pushed me to the ground. 

"SAlaD tOnGs!?" Raph yelled back at her, clearly pissed. He charged us while I still sat there on my butt after being shoved by Rae. They are such angry people, it's almost cute if they got together I thought. Mikey and Donnie held Raph back as Rae kept mocking him. I stood up as Claire and Leo talked in hushed tones. The guys seemed genuinely surprised we weren't scared of them. 

Leo's POV: 

The girl in front of me was really beautiful. She had really long black hair pulled into a pony tail, she had really nice tan skin too. Clearly human.  

"I apologize on my friend's behalf." She said holding her hand out to shake, "I'm Claire." 

I shook it, her skin was so soft too, "Leo. The angry one is Raph, the goofy orange one is Mikey, and the tall turtle is Donnie." I replied. 

"It's a pleasure Leo. The angry one is Rae, the one with the skateboard is Zoe, and the really quiet one is Crystal." She said smiling. After Raph and Rae relaxed, the group joined together and it was slightly awkward. 

Crystal POV: 

I'm officially dead inside. And I am always a quiet person-and shy-but after meeting the turtles, well. I don't know what to say. Zoe and Mikey were chatting about video games and pizza. The leaders, claire and leo, were talking about how me and my friends got here. Rae and Raph were glaring at each other as Raph lectured Rae about him being a turtle and not a frog. Donnie and I stood next to each other awkwardly. I played with my bracelets and kinda ignored him, he fiddled with his fingers and ignored me too. Zoe skated over with Mikey close behind. 

"We're going to the lair!" Zoe said excited. Mikey nodded. I contain my joy. Keep your cool. Donnie is right next to you. I simply smiled shyly. 

"Follow us." Leo said and we all did. 

"EWW!" Rae cried as the guys entered the sewer, "YOU LIVE IN A SEWER SYSTEM!?" 

I sighed, "Yes Rae, they do. Now don't be mean. They're being nice enough to let us stay with them because we're not from here. Would you rather sleep in a dumpster?" 

"No." She said and laughed, "Because that's where you belong." 

Everyone is silent except for her laughs. I follow the guys into the sewers; holding back tears. Rae groans and follows me too. 

*Time skip to inside the lair*

"Sensei this is Claire, Rae, Zoe and, Crystal." Leo introduced us to the giant rat. 

Donnie POV: 

The girls were really nice and friendly, except for Rae- she wasn't real nice- but Crystal was. Her long brown hair, clear blue eyes~ and that shy and sweet smile made me melt. But I liked April, so my feelings were a mess right now. 

"Come on Zoe! I'll show you the ice cream kitty!" Mikey dragged Zoe off to the kitchen, who happily followed. I watched as Leo turned on Space Heroes. 

"AH! YOU WATCH SPACE HEROES!!" Claire squealed and flopped onto the couch next to Leo. 

"Yeah, wait- YOU watch SPACE HEROES!?" He asked, dumbfounded. 

"DUH!" Claire said, turning her attention to the TV. Rae and Raph were fighting the dummy, seeing who was stronger. 

"I'll just, sit somewhere out of the way..." Crystal said quietly. She was really quiet, and shy. It was so cute! 

"W-wanna check out m-my lab?" I asked, stammering and scolding myself for it. 

"Sure," Crystal agreed quietly. She sat next to me in my lab as I worked on a project. We were completely silent. 

That's when our calm moment was interrupted by yelling, Rae and Raph yelling, of course. I sighed and so did Crystal. 


A/N: Sorry if it's too long or short for your liking. I'm starting to set up the romances a little. If you have any good ideas please let me know! And, some of Crystal's personality design is a little bit based off of me in real life. Just a little fun fact for y'all. Either way, I hope y'all enjoyed this so far! 




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