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"yikes. that looks like it hurts." kelly comment after I blow up the pig man between his legs. "that's what happens when you fuck with a kennedy too many times." 

making things more complicated is these secret labs need keycards and special ways to access certain doors. there are bunch of carts, old shelves, tin barrels, random shit everywhere but clear enough for us to travel towards the dark corridor. "I won't lie; I am scared." she gently tugs on my arm while I stand in front of her as we walk down with our flashlights. we stumble upon a monitor that required a puzzle in order to restore the system, to deactivate the security. "oh my gosh." she said when she steps inside the mortuary room to see a enslaved human with its back bent, a clawed machine was pointing into his spine, and wires rest all over them.

"Christ... what kind of experiments are they doing here?"

the lights, the blue curtains, metal carts that are covered in tools and other medical supplies. It definitely gave off an abandoned yet creepy vibe once we obtain the level one keycard. once the door we went through slides open again, a big monster slashes me down to the ground. I shoot him with one or two caps from my striker. "come on!" I holler at kelly to follow me towards the level one door. "gotta switch the power over."

"we don't have time for that!" we spent our time running and shooting until we switch the power so we can come back. we bolt through the door for it to reveal an icy room, cold air blowing due to the vents with large bags hanging from the ceiling. I slip the keycard into the machine to update it to a level two significance. another one of those monsters pop out of nowhere and slings its arms towards kelly. "kells!" I call out but she slits his neck to break free. I attempt to hold him off my best while we await the key to fully upgrade. "I got it!" she said, and we escape unlock the second entrance. the two of us head down the staircase to deal with a group of villagers whom their heads explode after hit with a few bullets. It looked like an office but it's among full bookshelves and now dead bodies.

we reach the incubation lab that has those things in purple lit cells. "how's your wound holding up?" kelly sits down the edge of the rectangular window we just walked past when we entered. her wrapped bandage appeared to be bled through mostly but at least she was okay enough to stay alive. "I'm fine. I can keep moving." I accompany to her aid to add a fresh one alongside alcohol to clean it. I jog ahead to collect lab reports, ammo, other helpful materials. although I have to upgrade to a level three card, the machine is protected by a barred shield. "need a wrench to get this open." I look back to see kelly chilling by herself, resting one hand on her injury. our enemies known as the regeneradors, started to burst out of their glass cavities and attack. thanks to the bioscope, I was able to tell which one had the gadget I need to unscrew the rusty bars. 


I cut through ashley's restraints around her wrists. I jab the epipen into her neck for the black streaks to slowly disappear from her skin. "you're gonna be okay." I glance at my own and sit down next to kelly in front of the bed, to wait for the young girl to wake up, no matter how long it takes. I take watch on the wide opened entrance for anyone who may show up. "leon?"

"I told you she'll be okay."

"sorry I'm late." I say. she sits up, gazes upon the temporary cleared illness. "no, thank you. you brought the medicine just in time." she swings her legs on her side, asking us where luis is. we exchange looks, telling her that he was worried until he died. "we don't have much time. let's get rid of these things."

ashley grabs my hand, "for luis."

"ada, come in. there's a lab where we can remove the parasites. had a crazy hunch that you'd know where it is."

"their most important facilities are housed in their sanctuary at the top of the mountain. that's where I'd look."

"huh. ada the encyclopedia."

"happy to help. now you owe me."

the three of us take the long way underground to make our way back to the surface. "seems like we found you new soldier friends, leon." I roll my eyes out loud, "oh thank you, marson. I really appreciate what you've done for me." 

we go down together || leon s. kennedy ☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz