Author's Note

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Hello! My name is Bonnie, my friends call me Bonbon. 

I love writing.

I'm not a good author. I want to improve. I'll be grateful for all feedback to help improve my writing. PLEASE leave feedback. 

If you love it, I'll be happy. If you hate it, thanks for your honesty! I'll do my best to improve. 

And this doesn't only go for me, but for every artist that you meet. It's hard to put our work out there. So, if an artist is willing to share with you, you are very important to them. We aren't trying to show off. 

Please comment/vote/follow!!! It means so much to me. If you loved this story, please pass it on!(Yes, I know, kinda cheesy. But I'm serious. It makes me smile knowing that someone actually reads and enjoyed my work.)

Happy readings! 

<<<3 Bonbon

(I usually work on Weekends, so expect updates then! And there may be many rewrites, as I am a terrible perfectionist. Just keep an eye out for those.)

Champion of House Vestraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें