''Thank you.'' With that said lady (Y/N) hugs tightly Sybilla who is taken aback by this sudden act of friendliness. For her the queen from the beginning has been an obstacle in the way to the throne but now that she couldn't get pregnant neither there are any chances for pregnancy in the future Sybilla can sigh in relief. All the same, she isn't repressing her infinitesimal compassion for queen (Y/N).

Right then in the doorway arrives a courtier with a dire announcement: ''His majesty requires countess Agnes to immediately come to his chambers.''

Confounded lady Agnes unwillingly follows the king's envoy but judging by the guards' uncharitable behavior, it won't be an amiable conversation. Stepping inside the bedchamber, she has almost collapsed, staring apprehensively at the weeping physician on his kneels asking for leniency her son. ''Spare me, your majesty!'' Just as he notices pale lady Agnes, he grovels to her, his final resort. ''Venerable lady Agnes, have mercy on this humble servant!''

Evidently ireful Baldwin draws closer to his mother. ''This man claims that by your order he mixed my medicines with a special potion, the same one you gave my wife. He said it was meant to force me and lady (Y/N) to consummate our marriage. Tell me, is it true?''

''It was for your own good-''

Her trifling excuse only irritates more the king who groans out with frustration. ''How could you do this to me and my wife?!''

''Because just like any woman she wouldn't let a leper touch her!!''

''Enough!!!'' His bellow of rage, so rare to reverberate within the castle's walls, instantly silences the countess now regretting her mindlessly said words. ''I've brought you back to the court, mainly because you are my mother and have no claim to the throne. But that doesn't mean I cannot banish you at any time.''

''Baldwin, I remind you that you still need my support in managing the government.''

''And I remind you that in my servants' presence you're supposed to refer to me as the king.''

''...You are just like your father...'' The countess humphs resentfully and takes a leave, shutting the door with a slam. Lord Joscelin discreetly observes the breathing heavily king but doesn't take the risk to say a word in this tense atmosphere.

''Count of Courtenay, see the man off. He's no longer the chief royal physician.''

After his uncle has dragged out the still whining physician, Baldwin heads out to meet with his wife, who accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting is ambling to the royal chambers. He halts in his track just as a twinge of angst pierces his heart when instead of a warm greeting as expected he's met with utter silence. There before him stands weakish lady (Y/N) who winces when he extends his hand for her and performs a deep curtsy despite distressed Elvira beseeching the queen not to exhaust her body.

''My king.'' Lady Stephanie steps ahead of them and gracefully curtsies before Baldwin. ''The queen is unwell at the moment. Her health is improving but, sad to say, she didn't regain memories from last night. It is required of her to take some rest now.''

''Take good care of my wife.''

Guy of Lusignan, who has witnessed the entire encounter while relishing grapes, walks up closer to the king and purposely raises his voice: ''The queen appears to be wan today. I wonder what is the cause of it or rather what she has seen at dawn that has nauseated her so much. At least she hasn't run away. Yet.''

As a retort, Baldwin gradually turns around to send him a cold glare, dreaded enough to give his impotent brother-in-law the shudders. Afraid of a dispute to break out, lord Joscelin takes a stand between two men. ''My king, don't mind this fool, he hasn't sober up after the grand feast yet.''

Clenching his left fist, the king exhales heavily and staring balefully at lord Guy, he exclaims menacingly: ''Convene a meeting!'' That's not what somnolent and wearied noblemen wished to happen soon after the vibrant nighttime. Even though, with no other choice, they deprecatingly turn up to the unanticipated session.

The jolly ambiance in the great hall is shortly interrupted by the king's prompt arrival. No one dares to utter a word when Baldwin emerges from the shadowy nook to make an appearance before his subjects. 

''Jerusalem has now a queen, my rightful spouse lady (Y/N)

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''Jerusalem has now a queen, my rightful spouse lady (Y/N). Thus you all shall remember that I won't tolerate any hostile attitude toward my wife. Any slights done to her will be seen as treason to me.'' Perturbed by the king's uncongenial tone, nobles begin to ripple but are right away hushed by Joscelin so Baldwin could continue his speech. ''This marriage is our great chance to strengthen our alliance with the Byzantine Empire. Hence I've decided to send the chief minister, my worthy uncle Joscelin, to the Byzantine court and seek their protection which we still need these days.''

''My king.'' - the Latin patriarch, Amalric of Nesle, is first to enunciate his bold presumption. ''I do rejoice with you in this joyous time but is your majesty confident the queen is trustworthy? How would we know she's not Tiberias's spy? After all, she is his goddaughter.''

''That's right!'' - seconds him agog lord Guy. ''Do not forget her paternal kinsmen come from the County of Tripoli!''

Astonished Baldwin takes a probing glimpse at assisting him William of Tyre but the perplexed prelate remains speechless. That would pose a threat to the king as count of Tripoli could use the queen or her and Baldwin's child, if they had one, against him and thereafter the House of Toulouse might gain the upper hand in the government.

''What an impudent woman! She took an advantage of the king's illness to seize the royal fortune!'' - continues goading lord Raynald.

''We cannot let her manipulate the king!'' - another nobleman in the background raves as an altercation erupts and lord Joscelin barely mitigates it.

''What shall we do, my king?'' - asks lord Joscelin.

''There's one way to verify it...'' The king then cues the seneschal to come up the dais and commands: ''Proceed according to the plan. I'll have my wounds cleaned now.''

''My king, we haven't appointed the chief physician yet. It'll take some time to arrange a new group.''

''There's no need. I want only lady (Y/N) to serve me today.''

''As you wish, my king.''

Immediately afterward Baldwin has taken his leave, another severe wave of faintness sweeps through him and all of a sudden his vision turns blank.

''Baldwin!!!'' - a despairing scream echoes in the pitch-dark void. ''Baldwin!'' He recognizes this familiar voice. It's her.

''...(Y/N)...'' - faintly whispers Baldwin right before he loses his consciousness. 

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