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Azura and her males were standing in front of the ape king's palace door .

" are you ready ? "
Asher asked her and she nodded multiple times.

" I am "
Azura took a deep breathe .

" should we knock? "
Wisnton asked sarcastically.

" knock this door down ? Sure ! "
Leon said and punched the door so hard that it got detached from the walls and fell far away with a deafening thud .

" I give it a three out of ten "
Noah said to regis who was standing beside him .

" nah , I'd give it a two , he was holding back "
Regis retorted.

" you're right "
Ahser agreed eavesdropping the conversation .

" can you stop gossiping? "
Wisnton shook his head .

" come on , let's go inside already "
Finn said smiling at their antics .

Ryo and Ryu just stood there observing the fam and followed them inside .

Surprisingly , no one was guarding the doors anymore as Finn had aldredy dealt with them .

They all went straight to the hall where the ape king was sitting with his partners in crime .

They were presently standing in front of the Door , it was a metal door just like the previous one.

Leon was about to knock this one down too but asher stopped him and said,
" let me show you how it's done brother! " Asher said as he cracked his Kunkles as he moved forward. Leon backed off to see what Asher was intending to do .

Asher gave the door a powerful punch and the door ended up crashing with the other wall and ended up taking everyone who came in its way with it .

Everyone present inside the room were shocked because of the sudden sounds .

Azura and her mates walked inside .

" Hello, baldy "
Regis said smiling.

" you sound like you'd been suppressing yourself since ages-"
Noah said and Regis shamelessly nodded .

" so ? Shocked ,are we ? "
Winston said smiling.

" what are you- guys doing here ? "
Ape king said as he got up from his seat. The tiger king too was standing beside him alongside the wolf king .

Rosa was present there too , all her deceased males were replaced by other males now .

Azura was disgusted becasue of her . How could she have no remorse over the death of her own mates?

" we're here to kill you of course "
Leon said .

" where are the guards ? GUARDS , COME AND SEIZE THE INTRUDERS "
The tiger king yelled as he called for the guards .

" by guards did you mean those bugs that are now laying on the floor ? "
Finn said as he smiled at them .
" I'm sure that he meant them "
Ryu and ryo said in unison .

" sadly , they're all dead, don't worry you'll soon join them too "
Noah said smiling.

The tiger and the wolf king stood there shocked , there were nearly sixty guards on duty  , were all of them slaughtered ? Just what kind of monsters were they dealing with. Ape king said that these men were indeed strong and would cause imbalance in the city and it was true .

" what how? "
The wolf king said .

" they're dead , it's as simple as that "
Regis said.

" now , you all shall meet the same fate as them "
Azura said as she walked forward .

" because of you guys, I've lost something really precious to me "
She said .

" you don't have to kill us for that , we'll compensate you ! "
Tiger king said.

" compensate ? "
Leon scoffed as he punched the tiger king .

" what if I killed Rosa? I'll tell you the same thing you told me "
Azura said .

" how dare you talk about harming a female ? "
Wolf king said .

" you ugly duckling, don't get too ahead of yourself "
Rosa said gritting her teeth .

" and it's okay if you harm me ? "
Azura yelled .

" who harmed you ? "
The wolf king asked .

" so you don't know? Good , even you are being used , don't worry , you'll die soon too "
Azura said .

She didn't care who was right and wrong , because for her , everyone present in that room were wrong .

" Darling,you sure you wanna see it till the end ? "
Winston asked her , azura shook her head , no , she wasn't brave enough to see it to the end with her own eyes . She might end up crying as she saw them die or even get more traumatized then she aldredy was, their dying faces would haunt her in her nightmares and she didn't want any of that .

" only kill the ape king , tiger king and Rosa "
Azura said as she took Regis's hand and left the room with him .

And loud and painful cries of people begging were heard from the ape king's castle .

Azura stood there outside as she buried herself I'm Regis's arms and he covered her ears .

The next day , the news about the ape king and the tiger king's death was announced , the tiger princess Rosa too had died alongside all her males , sadly they were all in the ape king's palace and someone set it on fire , no one managed to survive it , no one knew who it was and why they did it . But they were now dead and that's all everyone knew . The wolf king did ask his men to investigate the matter in his own way and the new tiger king took his place. Everyone had started moving on the very next day, the time doesn't stop for anyone, it keeps moving forward with or without them . You need to move with it too .

The harsh winter was soon going to be over and the spring will arrive soon .

𝘏𝘌𝘙 𝘉𝘌𝘈𝘚𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘚Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon