The night when Ma'Kai kissed her made her realize all the signs that Ma'Kai loved her back. But the next day she turned around and confused her.

She didn't question her about it. She didn't want to make her uncomfortable. She regretted that though. That's when things stared changing.

At first it was for the better, they had been closer than ever. But then they stopped talking for long periods of time, and then they lost contact.

The heartbreak of loving her bestfriend almost broke Nasiah. But she couldn't bring herself to hate Ma'Kai. That just wasn't going to happen.

She had forgiven Ma'Kai and herself for the past but it was kind of hard to make sure they were in each other's future with the lack of communication.

Nasiah had tried to take her mind off of her but she was kind of all she thought about. Nasiah knew Ma'Kai was probably feeling the same. She could read her pretty well, they knew each other for almost 3 years after all.

Nasiah had a feeling all of this stemmed from the night they kissed. She had felt different then too. Ma'Kai acted differently around her; like she was trying to avoid doing something she really wanted to do.

Nasiah remembers the night, so much so that she could paint a picture.

She remembers the taste of her lips, the softness of her hair, the warmth of her skin, her hoarse voice; her memory made her mind race. Like she wanted to relive it.

She hated it. She doesn't know how many times she thought about, when she was away, or when she was around Ma'Kai. The way she watched her, just so she could remember more about that night. She wanted to remember everything.

High and horny is not a good combination, Nasiah thought to herself as she huffed at her thoughts.

Nasiah decided it might be a good idea to take a nap, so she laid down.

She maybe slept for 20 minutes before she heard knocking on her door.

"Alright, alright." Nasiah said as she rubbed her eyes as walked towards the door

Luckily she could think straight enough, since her sleep had help most of her high wore off, but know she was cranky. Her nap was interrupted.

She had figured it was her brother or Yavon, so she just opened the door.

Nasiah frowned and furrowed her eyes once she realized it wasn't who she thought.

"What are you doing here?" Nasiah said grumpily as she leaned on her door

"You not happy to see me?" The girl said as she smiled

The girl who had shown up to her house was someone she sort of messed with.

Jayde, the girl she talked to, had been interested in Nasiah. They had started talking around the end of October through towards the beginning of December. Not very long in Nasiah's opinion.

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