1. The past never forgets

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Jim Hawkings had all he ever wanted. He joined the heroic academy and made himself a name. Something he every wanted: To be proud of something he does. This was a year ago. His mother, Sarah Hawkings couldn't be happier. She had a new inn, all her previous customers have returned and even new ones arrived. Under them were Dr. Delbert Doppler, Captain Amelia and their kids. They came in more often, since Jim's name was the talk of planet Montressor. Morph and Ben are a great help to Sarah, making it possible to run the inn smoothly. They decided to make one day a Special event on Montressor, by celebrating the day Jim returned back home after his journey to Treasure planet. For Sarah is it still an amazing story, after all, she thought it was just a legend at first.

And today was the day.

Ben took this opportunity to bake a cake, in shape of the Treasure planet. Morph handed out plates and made the tables ready, turning into a smaller version of Ben to do so. Sarah wanted everything to be perfect, "Ben did you see the decorations anywhere?" The robot yelled out of the kitchen, "I think in the basement!" Lifting her skirt a little, she went down the stairs. Only one year and the place were filled with thick dust and spider webs. It took her a while to find the stuff she needed, stepping on to an old chest. It was a little burned, but the items inside were saved from the fire. The only thing she was able to recover. Even so, Sarah didn't have any time to go through all the stuff inside. Ignoring it, she grabbed the box of deco and left the basement. With one last glance at the chest, she closed the door.

She stood there with amazement, at Morphs work on the tables, "That looks wonderful, thank you Morph." The pink blob giggled sweet, tickling Sarah on the cheek. In the kitchen was it less amazing, the floor was filled with eggshells, flour and other ingredients for a cake. However, the cake is well made. It resembled the planet really well. Ben used Jim's old story book to make the adjustments.

"I am stunned, I didn't expect it to be this good" remembering his previous experience in cooking, "How did you do the green rays on the planet?"

"Simple Sarah, I have caramelized the sugar and added green food color, letting it dry on some foil and press it into his planet."

She couldn't ask for any better helpers than the two, "What would I do without you?"

"Probably nothing, since we came with the treasure to build this place and..."

"I know I know" she laughed out loud, "The guests will arrive soon, I still have to decorate the place." She wants the inn to look at its best, especially for her son. Memories of her husband came to her mind...followed by sadness. Sarah feared that Jim would go the same path as his father, leaving and never return. She was glad that it all turned out well. Wiping away her tears, she continued her work. There was no time for sad moments, not today of all days.

Her first customers were the Doctor and Amelia.

The captain had only but good things to say about Jim. He seems to have made the right decisions for himself. Amelia has high hopes for him to be a captain one day, having his own ship and crew. Doctor Doppler agreed with his wife, feeling proud of Jim. He has been friends with Sarah for a long time; he knows how hard it was for her, to raise her son alone. To give her some moral support and a shoulder to cry on, he used to visit a lot more. Sarah cannot fool her old friend. Despite her cheery attitude and sweet smile, she was very unhappy. Amelia couldn't tell, but for her husband, it was as clear as day. As the other customers came in, it got louder and even more cheerful. Several drinks left the counter and the atmosphere was getting better by the minute. Only one person was left...the honored person to this event.

Suddenly the door opened.

Sarah was ready to greet him with a great smile, only to look disappointed at an old man.

"Do you have any booze in this dump?"

Before the doctor could throw him out for his rudeness, Sarah held him back, "Of course we do, please follow me." Not one customer understood her behavior. She gestured him to take a seat at the bar, filling his glass with cold beer. No doubt, that man was a pirate. One eye was lost, replaced by two scars, crossing on another. He even had a black hole in his palm, as he held his money out to Sarah. The minute, her hands touched, he grabbed hers quickly, pulling closer to him. Startled, she watched as he moved forward, whispering into her ear.

"You changed a lot my dear."

Disgusted, she pushed him off, "Unfortunately you haven't. What do you want?"

He shrugged, taking one sip of his drink, "I was nearby, so I thought I would pay you a visit...while I still can" referring to the black hole on his hand. Not impressed by this, she kindly asked him to leave after his beer. The man chuckles deep looking up to the ceiling, "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, I thought that you would be the woman of my dreams. But it seems that you are just like the rest. Once a man is involved, you give everything up you were proud of."

"Sarah, Jim arrived!"

Ben's announcement made Sarah jump. She completely forgot about it, since this man made her feel irritated. The old pirate laughed mocking, "Another man again? You never learn do you Sarah?"

"He isn't my husband" she said sharp, pulling on his arm towards the back door, "He is my son."

Snorting, he turned his back to her. Before he left, his face took one last look at her, "You think you can just forget your past because you have a son? The past will always be there...to haunt you down. It is only a matter of time."

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