Crouching down you look in disbelief at what you were seeing but quickly compose yourself.

"Hi." She chirped. She seemed to be completely oblivious about the fact that she was talking to a giant a hundred times her size and how dangerous that was. Not that you would do anything to them but still.

"I'm Princess Poppy." She introduced herself with her hand out.

"Are-d-do you want me to shake your hand?" You questioned stumbling across the words.

She nodded with pure confidence.

"Okayyyy..." you say, trying to be as careful and calm as physically possible.

The second you have her one of your fingers to hold she starts to violently wave it up and down.

"Hi my-my name is y/n." You say finally getting more comfortable in the situation you were in.
"Umm do you want some food?" You say gesturing to the plate. "You and your friends can have some if you want." 

"That would be great!" Shouted Poppy as she turned around. "Come on guys, it's safe to come out!"

Just then more came out excitedly like nothing happened.

"Wow, they're so trusting. Do they ever question anything?" You think to yourself.

You waved nervously at the newcomers forgetting how many there were of them.

But One in particular stuck out to you; it was the gray one. They were slightly hunched over and gave you a bit of a glare. The sight of it was a bit funny seeing as you could flick him to the moon and back.

"Oh I have to introduce you to everyone." Poppy said excitedly. "That one over there is Biggie." She pointed to a big blue one. "This is Guy diamond." Guy diamond did a little dance.
"And this is Branch!" She did jazz hands at him while Branch rolled his eyes. "And my best friend Creek."

You kind of tuned her out as she went on to introduce everyone. It's not like you're going to remember everyone's names.

"I think I'm going to need more food." You say standing up.

"Great idea!" Poppy cheered.

-20 minutes later

After rummaging through your pantry for more food you serve it up to them while also making your own breakfast.

"So let me get this straight." You say after taking a sip of your drink. "Your Tolls, which are some of the happiest beings in the known universe that got sucked into a crack in the sky and now you're here?"

"Yep." Said one of the Trolls.

"Holy shit I have been drugged." You say nonchalantly.

The Trolls around you have weird looks to each other at your odd choice of words.

"But you guys can't stay here. This is my house " You begin to explain. "Is there no way to bring you back wherever you came?"

"You could try and find the crack that we went through." Suggested Poppy.

Standing up you look out the window. It was still snowing.

"We might need to wait for a little while." You say to Poppy. She slumped over but perked back up almost immediately.

"We should throw a party!"

You almost choked on your drink. "Why?" You question.

"Because you're gonna help us get back home! We must celebrate." She cheered. 

The other Trolls started to get excited, discussing what they were going to do for the party.

Both you and Branch signed and looked at each other surprised. you laughed and Branch turned away embarrassed.

Today was gonna be a long day.

Soon the trolls had taken over your home with their singing, dancing and partying. They had even found out what your Elxa could do and were playing the Barbie movie on TV.

You were hiding in your bedroom laying on your bed staring at your ceiling until you heard a grunting noise. Rolling over you look at the bottom of your bed and see Branch squeezing his way under. You watched as he stood up dusting off his pants huffing and puffing.

"Hello." You simply said. You didn't mind having him in your bedroom and it was nice to have us company.

He jumped scared clearly not realizing you were in here and a little embarrassed to have barged in uninvited.

"Umm it's-I don't I didn't know you were here." He seemed hesitant to look at you.

"Don't worry I don't mind." You say sitting up. "Soooo what are you doing in here? Do you not like partying or something?"

Even though he didn't say anything you could still tell that it was a no.

"Me too." You say "it's like their on drugs from Walter white." You laugh at your own joke.

"Who's Walter White?" He questioned.

"Never mind."

"So you also don't like music?" He asked.

"Well I don't hate it but their singing is a bit much. And they always want me to join them."

He nodded.

Silence followed and it was starting to get a bit awkward.

"Umm anyway I'm gonna go try and stop you Trolls from making more glitter bombs." You say standing up from your bed. Branch flinched but didn't run away from you like he had before. Opening the door you expose yourself to the deafening noise of celebration.

-author note: thanks for reading guys it means the world to me!!❤️ also I was wondering did you guys like the moment between Branch and the reader? Its hard to tell if its good or not. Thanks again!

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