Kim Pine's Precious Little Life

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Word Count: 1487

Toronto, Canada
2 weeks later
No-Account Video

Ramona opened the door to the old, empty video store, making her way over to one of the shelves where Kim Pine was organizing them. Kim looked over at Ramona with her typical apathetic disposition.
"Ramona," She stepped off the ladder that she had been using. "Been a while,"
"Yeah, I guess it has," Ramona said, placing her hand on the back of her neck. "I'm sorry, it's just Scott-"
"Trust me, I've heard, he hasn't shut up about it. It's like after Envy Adams broke up with him x10"
"Yeah," Ramona sighed. "I don't know what I'm doing, I just don't exactly have a lot of friends out here. There's Julie I guess, but she's not exactly-"
"You know, I actually dated Scott back in high school," Kim giggled.
"You what?"
"Yeah, he saved me from Simon Lee. And he drew me a sheep," Kim's face flushed. "I don't really talk about it though. I hate admitting that Scott Pilgrim was my first boyfriend,"
Ramona felt her heart grow heavy in her chest."I just didn't think he was the type, I thought he might've been different. I thought he might've been the one,"
"Scott Pilgrim is an idiot. He'll take any warm body that even remotely shows an interest in him,"
"That isn't true,"
"He made a decision, Ramona. He had the option to say no,"
"But it was my fault. I was being irrational,"
"Was it irrational if he did it?"
"I guess not," Ramona took a sharp breath, taking a step closer to Kim. "I just really thought that he was going to be the love of my life,"
"You're too good for him,"
"You think so?" Ramona said, looking down at her feet.
Kim looked over at Ramona, seeing the pain in her eyes. Kim felt a different kind of anger toward Scott than she ever had before. The anger was usually only because Scott is an idiot, not because he truly did something wrong. In fact, part of Kim had actually cared about Scott in a way up until now.
Kim crossed her arms, thinking of something she could say to Ramona. She wasn't usually a feelings person, at least not on the outside.
"Ramona," Kim thought for a moment. "Do you want to come over tonight? My roommates are both going to be gone. Maybe we could hang out?"
Ramona looked up, realizing she shouldn't pass up the opportunity to befriend someone else in Toronto. Someone other than Julie Powers. "Yeah, I'll be there,"

Kim's place

Kim paced around the small apartment, knowing Ramona could arrive at anytime because Kim hadn't asked for her number. She did, however, know that Kim got off at 6, meaning she could arrive at any time.
Kim hadn't thought about the fact that her place was mediocre and boring, and she didn't want to be like Scott. She would rather die than be anything like Scott Pilgrim.
Kim continued to rearrange every object, although not much change was being made. She realized she couldn't make it more interesting, no matter what she did. She went into the kitchen and searched the nearly empty cabinets, pulling out a half eaten bag of popcorn and dumping into an old bowl.
As she walked back into the main room she heard a knock on the door, and she swiftly opened it.
"Hey," said Ramona. Kim stared at her for a moment. She was wearing a short black skirt with a grey top and a sweater layered on top. Her tights were an electric blue color.
"Oh! You want to come in?" Kim smiled stupidly. "Of course you want to come in, I don't know what I'm saying," Her face flushed and she looked down. Ramona didn't say anything as she walked inside.
"I don't really have anything planned," Kim thought for a second. "But I can put on some music," She went over to a CD case that she had, looking through them as Ramona stood in the center of the room.
Kim wanted to choose quickly in order to not bore Ramona but suddenly she'd forgotten what kind of music she even liked. Nirvana would be too basic, The Clash would be to political, and The Smashing Pumpkins would be too Scott.
Finally she decided on Mazzy Star, putting it into the CD player and went back to Ramona who was now sitting down.
"Thanks for letting me come over," Ramona said. "I don't have any friends here other than Julie, and she's Julie so you know how that goes,"
"I don't usually have a lot going on. I have a few hobbies I guess, but I don't do much other than work and band practice. Sometimes I go to Julie's parties,"
"Yeah, I get it,"
"So.. Why Toronto?" Kim looked at Ramona, admiring her but trying not to show it.
"Well, I got a job with Amazon, and I thought I might as well get away. There wasn't a lot of opportunity for me in New York, and Gideon always said that Toronto was one of the great cities. I thought I'd give it a chance," Ramona looked down at her lap. "It was like a way to start over, not that I have the best reputation here now either. But what about you?"
"I knew a few people here.. like Stephen and Scott.. and.. yeah. After forming Sex Bob-Omb Stephen knew that we'd have more opportunities in Toronto. If we didn't suck, that is. But we suck,"
"You don't suck that bad," Ramona said, laughing a little.
"So we suck?"
"I didn't say that," Said Ramona, rolling her eyes as Kim snickered.
Kim moved closer to Ramona as they continued talking, and the conversation began to lighten up a bit. Kim felt a certain kind of feeling with Ramona that she had never felt with anyone else, a feeling of comfort.
Kim leaned in closer to Ramona, their faces now only a few centimeters apart. Kim could feel her heart racing in her chest as she pressed her lips against Ramona's. She felt Ramona's hand on the side of her face and leaned into it, only pulling away when they both needed to breathe.
"I'm so sorry-" Kim was still catching her breath.
"No, Kim," Ramona started before she was cut off.
"I shouldn't have-"
"Sparks," Ramona said quickly, still panting.
Ramona pulled Kim back into the kiss, her hand now placed on the other girls thigh. The kiss was soft, neither of them being the type to like it sloppy. They only broke away from each other for short moments, gasping for a breath of air.
They continued like this for nearly an hour before both of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

The Next Morning
Second Cup

Both girls had been exhausted after the previous night, but still decided to make some time for coffee before they were both scheduled for work that day. Unfortunately for Ramona, instead of Julie she was greeted by Stacey Pilgrim.
"Oh my god, Remi? The girl with eleven evil exes that completely crushed my pathetic little brother?"
"Ramona," Ramona said sighing, not even bothering to correct her about the exes part. Or asking about the 'little brother' part. "And it was his fault, can I please just order?"
After ordering their drinks they both sat at a table near a window. Unfortunately for them, when they heard a crash coming through the window they didn't move in time, leaving them both covered in broken glass.
"You think just because you've decided to ditch Pilgrim we'll just let you on with someone else?" Ramona's eyes widened seeing the girl standing before her.
"Roxie, I thought we were good," Ramona looked down at the coffee cup in front of her that was filled with glass.
"I'm not letting you win again Ramona!"
Kim stood in disbelief. "What?"
"Scott never defeated the league," Ramona said quickly. "If we're going to date, you may have to defeat my remaining evil exes,"
"Uh oh," Before Kim had time to think, Roxie came at her with a sword. Kim dodged it, moving over to the other side of the table.
"Kim!" Ramona shouted, reaching into her bag and throwing Kim a sword of her own.
Kim and Roxie both kept clashing their swords together, both of them yet to hit each other. Roxie was more skilled than Kim, making it easier for her to dodge Kim's sword. However, Kim was faster than Roxie, making it easy for Kim to get around the whole ninja-teleportation thing.
"You might as well give up on this girl!" Roxie shouted, launching herself into the air. Kim just pointed her sword straight into the air, and as Roxie came down onto it she was met by the sound of coins clashing against the floor.

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