Start from the beginning

"Come here you." Asa smiled as she lifted Max up into her arms whilst Alec did the same with her little brother, the engaged couple put the little boys between them making it feel like old times.

Once everyone had settled they all turned their attention to the large screen, waiting in anticipation as they got ready to watch this part of Asakhe's life.

"Like it or not we live in an age of dynasties." Fallons voice was heard as the screen lit up showing the president Donald trump with his team cutting a red ribbon.

"It's everybody's favourite meme." Asa giggled to herself when she saw the president, who still looks like a hairy egg to her at times if not always.

"Who else can you trust to run the family business...except family?" Fallon's voice over continued.

The Kardashian Jenner family was shown on the screen being photographed by paparazzi on the red carpet.

"I'm a Carrington and our business is literally power." Fallon spoke.

"If you drove a car today, charged your cellphone or made breakfast, chances are that Carrington Atlantic had something to with it." Fallon informed.

There was then a slight dramatic pause before Fallon spoke up again.

"Well, okay I lie because Carrington Atlantic is not the only company that may have had something to do with it." Fallon said.

Everyone in the theatre turned to look at the youngest Carrington who only shrugged not knowing where she was going with this, she was surprised that she was even narrating a bit of this.

"Now you may be wondering which other company could be as powerful as Carrington Atlantic?" Fallon questioned.

"Well if you don't know then clearly you've been living under a rock because 'Amaryllis Empire' is every companies and or Dynasties greatest ally or competition." Fallon explained.

Asakhe turned to her best friend and gave her a grateful smile to which Fallon only winked at her best friend.

The scene changes to show Asakhe walking the halls of her company smiling at her employees as she's on her phone dealing with business.

"The sparkly phone case? I'm so proud of you Asa." Magnus smiled at his granddaughter who smiled back.

"That's Asakhe Morgan founder/creator and CEO of 'Amaryllis Empire.' Now the thing that amazes everyone about Asakhe is the fact that she started her dynasty at the ripe age of 16 after graduating from Yale University as valedictorian, which isn't really surprising as she has an IQ of 186."

"Say what?!" Madelyn exclaimed in shock, the young blonde might be a Shadowhunter but she's heard about the fact that Yale is one of the Ivy League universities in the mundane world.

Asakhe looked at her fiancé's adoptive blonde sister with a look of confusion.

Madelyn taking notice of the girls reaction quickly spoke up.

"It's not anything bad believe me that's really impressive but like come on, you're pretty and smart?! Leave something for the rest of us." Maddie told the girl pouting slightly.

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