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Doyoung needed advice. He had been raising the wish kids for a week now and was struggling. It's not like he had no experience with children, he had babysat the Dream kids on more than one occasion and had no trouble laying down the law with them, but for some reason he couldn't seem to  get the Wish kids under control. He had just finished sending all of the boys to their rooms and was now on the phone with Taeyong.

"Hyung, I'm telling you, they're out of control."

"How so?" Taeyong asks as he checks Haechans homework.

"Sion and Riku have been fighting a lot, Yushi won't stop climbing all the furniture and I do mean all of the furniture including the fridge, Daeyoung keeps sneaking out of bed every night to either play on the ipad or watch tv, Ryo and Sakuya keep drawing on things that aren't paper and refusing to accept no as an answer when they ask me something. I'm at my wits end hyung."

"Hmm well what have you done about it so far?"

"I've sent them to their rooms."

"Why don't you come over. The kiddos can play with my kids and the older ones can keep an eye on things while you and I talk and make a plan and some rules and such for the kids."

"Are you sure you want that much chaos in your home?"

"Trust me it's fine. Remember I have 7 kids, I'm used to the chaos."

"Alright. Thanks, we'll come over soon."

"Sure. See you soon."

Doyoung hangs up the phone before calling all of the boys downstairs.

"Alright boys, we're taking a trip to the Dream dorm. Grab your jackets and shoes."

"Why?" Daeyoung asks as he starts to put his shoes on.

"Because I need to talk with Taeyong hyung about some stuff, so you guys are going to play with the Dream kids."

"We don't need a babysitter." Sion says.

"It's not babysitting, think of it like a playdate."

"It's not a playdate when Mark hyung and Renjun hyung are almost adults and can tell us what to do." Riku chimes in.

"Well, if you behave yourselves then they won't need to scold you, besides the 2 maknaes are closer to your guys age. You'll have fun, I'm sure. Yushi put your shoes on."

"No. Shoes are feet traps and I refuse to wear them." Yushi says plopping down on the floor with his arms crossed. Sion gives him a weird look before helping Sakuya put his shoes on the right feet.

"What are feet traps?" Daeyoung asks Riku.

"Apparently shoes."

"Everyone else is ready to go, you need to do as you were told." Doyoung says firmly

"Go without me. I'm not going."

"You can not stay here by yourself. Either put your shoes on yourself or I will carry you to the Dream dorm and then you can sit in timeout when we get there."



"NOOOO." Yushi whines louder.

"Two, if I get to three you will be getting a smack as well as a timeout when we get there." Doyoung gives the kid a stern look daring him to continue his fit.

"Noo I don't want to!"

"Three." Doyoung leans down and picks the kid up, delivering one firm smack to his backside before setting him on his hip. "Let's go. Sion take Ryo's hand please, Riku take Sakuya's hand and Daeyoung come hold my hand please."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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