"I don't know why I like her but I do. It doesn't hurt that she gives good head. Maybe the infatuation will go away after we finally fuck, I don't know. There's just something about her."

"Hmmm," his friends said at the same time. "It's about time," Kachi added.

"She hasn't done this before so I think she's just getting cold feet."

This time around, Kachi choked on his beer and he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face, the man deserved it.

"She hasn't done what before?" Chike asked.

"Sex," he replied.

"A virgin runs girl!" Chike burst into laughter for an entire minute, clutching his chest as his laugh rang out, his body shaking. "Why are you pulling our legs now? You're so funny, man."

"I'm serious and she's not a runs girl. She's an escort." There was no need for him to explain the sex club part to his friends, it will just complicate the entire thing.

"Wait, you're for real?" Kachi queried.

"Yes. We talked about it and she agreed to let me do it but with a condition."

"What?" Chike set his drink far away.

"That we hang out sometimes, and not just having sex."

"That's like a relationship." Kachi exchanged a glance with Chike. "So, you're dating then?"

"We are not dating," Azu protested.

"That's exactly what dating means. Spending time together outside and then fucking at the end of the date. You have a girlfriend now."

"Congratulations." Kachi stretched a hand for him to shake and Azu slapped the man's hand away.

"We are not dating, but that's beside the point. It's been two weeks and counting and I haven't seen her since. I'm stopping myself from showing up at her place of work. Maybe she has changed her mind."

"It's irritating that I have to do this, but you're a good looking man, very rich and actually a nice person. Which is already saying a lot about the men in Lagos. If you take away the fact that you're a player, I can rightly say that you're a good boyfriend material." Hell must have frozen over because Kachi was hyping him up.

"And he's funny too, add that," Chike stated. "Only a blind woman would change her mind about you."

"Thank you guys, but that doesn't really tell me what to do. I need good advice before the ladies come back outside."

"I've not been in a lot of relationships so I don't know if this is good advice, but maybe she's scared. She probably doesn't know how to go about this and is just waiting for you to take the first step," Kachi supplied.

"Only dated one woman and the only thing I can tell you is what you told me months ago. Show up, keep showing up unless she asks you not to," Chike advised. "No need for your other less than stellar advice, I don't think jealousy will work here."

Azu slapped the back of Chike's head. "It worked for you, asshole."

"These kids that don't know their mates. I'm going to let it slide because I don't want your girl to question the black eye I would have given you."

"Thanks for everything, guys. I think I've got this one. Say goodbye to the girls for me." Azu picked up his keys and pocketed them.

"Where are you going?" Ada asked as she and Zariah walked out from the house. She didn't look much different than the last time he saw her, at least not enough to tell she was pregnant, but there was this glow around her, one that he was happy to see.

"I have a date," he answered.

"With Ijeoma?" Zariah asked.

"Yes. And I'm out before you guys find more questions to ask me."

"Tell her we said hi and want to hang out with her soon."

"Will do, bye."


Since she told Azu that she was busy taking care of her plants, she may as well do just that. Ijeoma filled her watering can with water then turned on the backyard lights before venturing outside. It had been a very busy and tiring day for her, the cool night air blew against her skin, immediately lifting her mood. As she worked, her mind wandered, already creating her to do list for the next day. Now that she was free from Madam Ini and closer to finding the truth about her sister, she could finally start working on her dreams. All the designs she'd sketched out in her notebooks could finally see the light. She finished with her Purple Heart plants, noting some weeds she had to pull out in the morning, then she moved on to her tiny aloe garden.

She was already rounding up when she heard the doorbell ring. The sound jolted her, making her drop her can in the process. Who could be at her door? In the two years she'd been living in the house, nobody had rung the bell. Her landlady always knocked, same with the delivery men. If she didn't occasionally press the bell to check if it worked, she would have probably mistaken it for someone else's door. She set the can straight then quietly entered the house through the back door, making sure to lock up behind her.

The bell rang again as she made her way to the living room. Ijeoma didn't have friends that would call on her this late at night. The few acquaintances she had didn't even have her home address, so who could it be? Maybe it was a confused delivery man? Her house was in a relatively safe estate but one could never be a hundred percent so she grabbed her taser before going to look through the peephole. There was a man outside her door but he was turned away from the door, giving her a view of his back and head. Her hackles immediately rose but she opened the door a tiny bit, shifting the taser close to the door. 

"Who is that?"

The man turned and she didn't know what to do with herself. Azu was in front of her house, with a bottle of wine. "Good evening." He smiled at her, causing her stomach to flutter.

"What are you doing here? It's late."

"It's just past 7, a few minutes past sunset. In my books that's pretty early."

"What do you want?" She frowned at him. He was the last person she expected to visit her unannounced.

"Can I come in? I wanted us to see a movie and talk. Is that okay with you?"

"You didn't tell me you were coming. Besides, I say when and where, remember?" She eyed him.

"I'm not here to fuck you, not unless you want me to." He bit his bottom lip, making the already pink lip darken and glisten. She wanted her lips to be the one biting his. "I'm really here just to talk."


"Let me come in? I brought wine." He lifted the bottle, shaking it a bit. "I remember you enjoyed it the first time we met."

She glanced down at the bottle, surprised he'd noticed and even remembered the drink she liked. "One funny move and you're out," she warned before opening the door wider.

"Damn woman, you don't play." He grabbed her hand, plucking the taser gun out her hand and lifting it to inspect it. "I'm glad you didn't feel the need to use this on me, not that I would have minded." He grinned.


"I'll let you do anything to me, as long as it makes you happy."

"Now those are dangerous words, Mister." She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face, it was hard not to like the man. She had to remind herself about her plans so as to not get carried away. "Have a seat, let me go change."


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