"Yeah!" Alan agreed.

      Olivia looked at him, perplexed. "Seriously? 'A good thing' How is it a good thing, Phil?" She stared at Phil, mentally questioning the words that left his mouth on how being drugged was a good thing only because it was done by someone they knew. It only just made it worse.

      Phil sighed, trying to take her hand but she leaned away from his touch. "Please don't be mad, Liv."

      "Yeah, Phil, it's totally a good thing." Stu spat,  "We're so much better off now. Here's something I would like to remind you two of: Our best friend Doug is probably facedown in a ditch right now...with a meth-head butt-fucking his corpse."

      "That's highly unlikely." Alan weakly commented.

      "It's true."

      "Does not help." Phil lowly told him, "Alright, let's get our shit together, guys. Let's go back to the hotel, and I'm gonna make a couple calls. Maybe Doug's back there. Maybe he's asleep. Come on, let's go."


      The four walked the hallway to their hotel room, looking more of a mess than they were when they left the building, no doubt receiving all kinds of looks from people booking in. Dirt was splattered on their clothes, their hair left a wild mess and dried blood engraved onto their clothes from being attacked with a crowbar.

      "Hey, guys. What about the tiger? What if he got out?"

      "Oh, fuck." Phil threw his head back in aggravation — he felt exhausted and now there was another thing to worry about it. "I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger. How the fuck did it get in there?"

      "I don't know, because I don't remember." Stu answered monotonously, looking right at Alan, deadpanned.

      "Shh. Stu. Stu, keep it down." Phil hushed him.

      "Because one of the, uh, side effects of, uh, roofies is memory loss."

      Olivia knew Alan was serious, unable to read the room in any situation but glared at him nonetheless — Stu raising his brows. "You are literally too stupid to insult."

      "Thank you."

      "Hey." Phil whisper-yelled at the two, opening the door to their suite. The sound of In the Air Tonight filled their ears, echoing through their room as the four entered. "Did we leave the music on?" Their faces contorted in confusion, the music getting louder.

      Turning the corner, Phil bumped into a tall, buff figure, dressed in an all black suit, stumbling back in surprise from the unexpected company in their hotel room. "Who the hell are you?" Blurted out Phil, Stu letting out a shriek in fright.

"No, who the hell are you?" The man shot back.

"Quiet. Quiet." A voice came from behind them. They all turned their heads, seeing a familiar man standing up from being sat by the piano.

"Mike Tyson?" Phil looked at the man, stunned.

      "Shh. This is my favorite part coming right up now." He mimicked playing drums as the beat dropped to the song, starting to sing along to the lyrics. Mike came to an end with the song and turned to punch Alan in the face, knocking him unconscious, noises of shock leaving their mouth as they watched him hit the ground.

      "Oh, Jesus!" Phil cried out, "Oh, fuck! Why did you do that?"

      Mike's body guard ignored him, "Mr. Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom."

      "Hold on. That was completely unnecessary." Phil pointed down to Alan, turning to Mike, "I'm a huge fan. When you knocked out Holmes, that was—"

"Phil." Olivia hissed under her breath at him going off topic.


      "We were drugged last night." Olivia told him, "We have no memory of what happened.

      "It's true." Stu piped in, "We got in all kind of crazy shit last night and now we can't find our friend. And if you want to kill us, go ahead because I don't care anymore."

      "Why the fuck would you wanna steal his tiger?"

      Phil chuckled, "We tend to do dumb shit when we're fucked up."

      "I don't believe these guys, man." Mike uttered in disbelief to Leonard.

      "Wait, how did you guys find us?"

      "One of you dropped your jacket. Found it in the tiger's cage this morning." The jacket he held caught Olivia's eye, the piece of clothing looking all too familiar to her.

"That's Doug's." Stu's mood had lightened also recognising the jacket as Doug had been the only one wearing one last night.

"Yeah, uh, Doug." Leonard passed over the clothing, "His wallet and his room key is in there."

"No, that's our missing friend." Phil told them.

"I don't give a fuck."

"Did you guys see him?" Olivia looked at each of the men's expressions for an answer.

"We didn't, sugar." The woman raised her brows at the nickname. "I was fast asleep."

"Because if he was awake, this wouldn't have gone down so smoothly." Leonard informed them.

"Okay." Phil paused, "I know this is asking for a lot, but do you think there is anyway we could go to your house and look around, see if there's any clues for our friend?"

"Absolutely, how else you think we're gonna get the tiger back, anyway? We're not gonna put it in a Bentley. You brought it here, you bring it back. What do you think, 40 minutes."

Mike and Leonard departed from the room to leave the three in their own thoughts, all sharing glances at the fact they had to try and remove a tiger from their hotel room without being eaten alive.

"That was Mike Tyson." Stu mumbled in awe, watching the two men leave, worshipping that he got to be in their presence.

"Yeah, no shit that was Mike Tyson." Phil replied, "What the fuck are we gonna do?"

The two next to him stayed silent, not really coming up with any plan except to completely avoid doing it out of fear. Liv groaned in annoyance at her brother's past actions for luring a tiger out of its cage. "Fucking Doug."

we're so close to the second movie, i can't wait to start writing it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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