Chinese New Year Special #1

Start from the beginning

(As explained in the past chapters, there's a reason why you bleed every month unlike the previous heavenly princesses)

It didn't take long for the egg to hatch and roam the mortal world, not knowing its parents. Technically, not knowing if it was a human to begin with, she had no idea who she was, and why was she alive. She was curious and thirsted for knowledge.

The dragon knew that the world has become corrupt, yet she sent her daughter alone. The dragon wanted her daughter to show authority to the humans. But things didn't go as planned.

She soon became the slave of the first emperor of all humankind, the first emperor of a unified nation, a one kingdom. She was the first empress of the humans before becoming the first heavenly empress.

From a slave, to a concubine, then to an empress. It was quite the promotion. Not knowing what love truly meant, she fell inlove with the abusive emperor. The emperor at first abused and hated her, but he slowly fell for her. To others hearing this, we can all agree the emperor is a toxic piece of shit.

She became the emperor's slave because they met after she gained wisdom. She first roamed as a wanderer with no destination, but in search for knowledge. When she became a top scholar of another kingdom, the emperor's soldiers raided the current kingdom she was residing in, she was captured and became a slave.

Around this time, the emperor was a general and she was about to be amputated, she was accused of witchcraft and demonic magic just because she was able to have wisdom and real science of this world. The emperor saved her, but in exchange for not losing a body part, is her freedom. So she became a slave.

And this is where the generational curse of all the successors came from, before sitting on the heavenly throne, the heir must serve as a slave of a noble or royal family in the mortal world.

As a slave, she used her inhumane powers, godly magic, to aid the emperor in succeeding his goal of unifying the kingdoms. It was a success and she became his wife, the first human empress of a unified nation. During the raids, she transformed to her Dragon form and followed her husband's orders, if she were to fail and disobey, he would abuse her.

Years later, the couple had children. Two talented and beautiful daughters. The emperor died when their children were twelve, the cause of his death was mercury poisoning. You see, he was an ambitious greedy man. He wanted to live long. He thought mercury was the secret ingredient to the elixir of immortality.

The empress and her children were finally free from his grasp, she did not allow his soul into heaven and turned him into a ghost. The court of souls and netherworld were finally created at first to judge his husband. He was pleaded guilty and so his soul was trapped inside a dungeon, wishing for vengeance and want to cause havoc throughout the three realms.

The emperor had so many enemies and people who loathe him with all their being, after hearing the news or his death, his soul trapped and his wife ruling his empire and the heavens....people were satisfied. At first they were distasteful of a woman ruling an empire alone, but what else can they do? This was the same woman who put her husband in place and kept the first human dynasty stable for a millenia. Until a rebellion broke out and she went to the heavens to sit on her throne, becoming the first heavenly empress.

The event of his soul sealed, was on the same day of a new moon. People celebrated and cherished the empress, the empress eventually hired good calligraphists and speakers while they listen to her story. Not only did she told them about her life and how it all happened, but also, how she knew about this world's creation. Her mother, the first Dragon to create this world, left her many letters on how she did it.

And so now, as you are reading or listening this, this scroll and story was all written down by the empresses only handmaiden and best calligrapher of the first human dynasty. This is where the origin of Lunar New Year started. The same day the emperor's soul was sealed, was also when the first new moon appeared on the new year. Signifying greatness and fortune.

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