"By the way, let's pretend it hasn't been two earthling days because Ganymede doesn't know that it has."

"Wait, WHAT??" Ganymede's voice came from behind them.

"Oh shit"

"You mean that I've been wearing this stupid ugly bow for longer than I needed to be??" Ganymede snapped. "I can finally take off this-"

"Not so fast!" Holograph interrupted. "First, solve this math question."

"Math-?" Ganymede looks at the piece of paper that Holograph gives him, the paper reads: 2 • 5 = ? .

"Solve that, and I'll let you take it off. It's also a dare"

"I- okay... um..." he looks like he's thinking very hard.

"What's going on here?" Jupiter pops up behind them. (his thoughts are rlly 'tf is that on ganymedes head)

"Ganymede's just solving a math problem to get that bow off his head."

"Oh, that's simple. Let me help you!"

"Wait, wait!" Holograph stops Jupiter from ranting about math. "An ask! What do you think of Ganymede's new looks."

"I- well, um... It's certainly new..." he sweats (if planets can even sweat).

"Okay, Jupiter, just say it's ugly and help me with this math so I can get it off!!" Ganymede snapped at Jupiter.

"Oh- oh! Right, here, let me see."

Their voices fade away as Holograph drifts away from them with the camera.

"Cool! I'll let them finish that until we move onto the new dares!"


The camera turns back on, all the planets are gathered, chatting normally as Holograph adjusts the camera. There is a popping sound effect as Holograph reverts the body swap of Earth and Luna for this to work.

"Okay, we're good!" they announce, catching the attention of most of the planets. They unfold a new piece of paper. "Thank you, elise_aliana , for this entry!"

"First dare! Earth tells everyone that he went into the- oh

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"First dare! Earth tells everyone that he went into the- oh." they stopped themself, looking at Earth questionly.

"I- okay, fine..." Earth sighed. Mercury, Luna, and Mars gave Earth a collective concerned look, while Venus did his best to(he is incapable of concern lmfaoo). 

"I tried to head into the sun." he admitted. Practically everyone who didn't know gasped, and started asking questions. It got pretty loud.

"You what?? Earth, that's not a solution to anything! You could've talked to your friends about this!" Jupiter went on about this.

"I can't believe this! What about your earthlings? That's extremely dangerous, you know?" Saturn freaked out.

"What? Why would you head into the sun? I think it'd be pretty painful too-" Uranus considered this.

"The Earth Alone - Part 1 The Earth Alone - Part 2 The Earth is heading to the SUN!? The Earth's Redemption The Earth Arc" Neptune said without taking a single breath.

"GUYS! Really, I'm fine, I realize what I did was not helping myself, and I know how to change for the better now." Earth exhaled. "I won't do it again, promise." everyone looked relieved (except neptune hes chill ig).

"Cool, now that that's resolved, next dare!" Holograph looked at their paper. "The sun has to disappear for 30 seconds."


"WHAT?? We'd all get ejected into space immediately! That's insane!" Venus snapped.

"Yeah... even my gravity won't hold us for long..." Jupiter added.

"That's diasterous!!" Saturn exclaimed.

"But... but... I don't want to disappear!!" Sun complained.

"Okay, okay, FINE! I'll shorten the time." Holograph said.


Immediately nearly everyone got shot in the direction they were orbiting the sun at, although it was less because they were gathered together. The planets were mostly still being held together by the larger planets' gravity.

"Oh, you're right, this is AWFUL!!" Holograph didn't expect the effects to be this bad.

"How long will this hold up until we get ejected??" Mars tried to keep his moons from dying.

"Not very long!" Jupiter strained.

"Oh no, what do you think is going to happen to my earthlings, they need sunlight to live!!" Earth stressed.

"I think the more important part is trying to stay alive, idiot!" Venus yelled.

"Weee!!" Neptune smiled.

"No, Neptune, not weee!! Not weee at all!" Uranus scolded.

"Oh, okay"

"Can you bring the sun back now??" Mercury asked.

"Okay, okay, we're good now!!" Holograph responded.


"Oh, hey, I'm back!" Sun looked around. "That felt like only a second!" everyone looked relieved to see Sun, which was a first.

"That was like, 10, 15 seconds at most." Earth commented.

"Okay, next dare! Earth and Neptune swap orbits!" Holograph read aloud from their crumpled paper.

"Wait, what-"


Neptune was teleported a little closer to the Sun, while Earth wasliterally nowhere to be seen.

"Ooh! It's so warm!" Neptune giggled.

"I don't think Earth's parasites will live very long over there." Uranus noted. "You should bring him back now."

"But, it's been two seconds..-"

"Two seconds of past freezing cold temperatures is enough to kill. I agree, you should bring him back."

"Okay.. jeez..."


Earth and Neptune were retransported back to their original sports in the gathered area.

"I think I prefer the cold," Neptune piped up.

"That was the most FREEZING temperatures EVER!! I think a couple million of my earthlings died... How do you ever survive that cold, Neptune??" Earth exclaimed.

"It's easy! I don't."



"Okay, next one! Neptune, do you know who the Iris is? I'm assuming they mean just Iris, but yeah anyways-" Holograph reads out.



"Neptune? Do you know who Iris is?"


"I-, okay, that was pretty simple. Next one, for the other icy giant! Uranus, what is in your diary?" Holograph turns to Uranus. Everyone looks pretty curious too.

"What? I'm not going to tell you! It's a diary, there's a reason why they're kept private!" Uranus responded defensively.

"Well, I guess that's that. Thanks for reading! Cya!"



sozz for missing 2 days,, i had lunar new year to deal with hehe :)

1258 words

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