Kai read it multiple times making sure to tick off every single box that was describing him to be an Omega, he screamed in annoyance 'I just fucking pray this shit is wrong' he commented to himself before falling asleep again.


Back downstairs

"That was one hell of a close call!" Duke said letting a heavy sigh off his chest, he was simply waiting for the guy to move upstairs. "We got to his soft point, I feel bad" Davis commented pinching the bridge of his nose, Chris on the other side was laughing his lungs out while Fanum was waiting for his food on the couch he had been watching the whole show his friends had pulled on.

"Back to planning" the oldest of them all commanded pointing the parlour so that everyone could gather there. "So tomorrow evening the party organizers are going to come over and arrange all they have to, while me and Fanum will be distracting him, probably going to take him shopping soon, so that he doesn't suspect anything. And in the main time you two" he was looking at Davis and Chris "will be getting his clothes remember the letter for fucks sake and finally, Agent you'll have to tell everybody to hide and you know the rest, oh make sure every person coming in here has a sent blocker since we don't know what he is going to be:" Duke finished explaining.

"We know he is going to turn out to be the Omega of the group" Agent said standing up from the double couch, the door rang right at that moment "I'll go" Fanum announced with his mouth covered in the red sauce from the chicken wings he had been stuffing his face with for the last ten minutes. He walked to the door, opening the door to reveal Kai's mom. "Oh hi, mama Kai" Fanum greeted making way for the woman "What are you doing here?" he asked leaving no space for the woman to great as well. "Kai called me yesterday scared for his life since he knows he's gonna be submissive, so where is he?" the woman explained smiling at the boys in the room greeting her as well. "Up in his room" one of them announced pointing to the stirs. The woman wasted no time to move towards the pointed area.

Chris waited for the woman to disappear inside the angle formed from the wall before asking "Change of plan?" looking towards Duke, who nodded his head "I'll take Kai out to the shooting range since he seems he needs to take his mind off everything while you, Fanum, you'll take the mother shopping she loves you the more in here".


Mama Kai and Kai

Kai's bedroom door opened wide by his mom, he was still sound asleep as if everything wasn't probably going to change in his life. His mom sat on the border of his bed staring at his son's face before placing her hand on his face removing some of the dreads covering his eyes. 'Smoot face with soft features and delicate curves just like his uncle' the mother thought seeing the fact his son was behaving like her brother when he was about to find out his second gender. A nervous wreck, always crying. She knew he was going to be the most frail in the system. He always cared for others, and always was so careless she didn't know how he wasn't full of scratches, he had soft curves and never was able to build broad shoulders like he wanted and suck a sweet soul until he hit his full puberty age and became a menace.

Kai shifted closer to the soft familiar touch "How is it going?" she asked knowing that the boy was awake but still had his eyes closed. "Ya, I'm okay. They got me angry and I decided to take a nap. They be behaving like cunts" he lamented not moving a lot from his sleeping position. "Want to eat?" she asked already knowing the answer he was going to give her. "Come, I'll need help," she spoke making the younger boy groan before standing up from his bed.

They arrived downstairs in the kitchen "Help with the carrots?" she questioned pointing to the bags of food she brought with her. The boys were in the living room keeping an ear to the two in the kitchen. They were singing a song while cooking a full meal for everyone in the house at the moment. Kai was chopping some onions and bell peppers. "Go sit with the others I'll finish up here," his mother said, shooing the boy away before he could complain about anything.

He sat as far as possible from the others, ignoring the looks the guys were giving him. Kai directly went on his phone and started texting someone. "Who are you texting?" one of the boys asked in a kind of jealous tone. "Noe of ya business" Kai answered emphasizing the b in the word, "It is, if it's your crazy ahh ex," another one said making the youngest eyes bulge out of his face, begging them to shut the fuck up since his mom didn't know about no crazy ex-girlfriend of his. thankfully the lady nearby didn't or so they thought, hear anything.

"Lunch is ready!" The mother yelled setting eight plates on the dining table, KAi sat next to his mom while thanking her for the food she had served them. "Oh, we have the photo shoot in an hour!" Davis said after finishing the plate he had been given "By the way that shit was good as fuck, thanks ma" he commented afterwards, standing up from the chair and getting to his room so he could change his clothes.

All of them left leaving the table in a mess "I'll help" Kai said since he was already dressed up for the shoot. "Thanks," the mother said smiling at the beautiful souled boy she had raised, she was proud of herself to have been able to grow a very helpful kid.

"Who do you think your soulmate will be?" she asked still sitting on the chair she was eating on. Kai was washing the dishes, "I don't know and I don't want to know at all for now, I'd hope the name comes out next year!" he said driving his hands with one of the napkins.

"What about kids? You know I wanna be a grandma!" the woman continued asking not knowing that some of the guys were eavesdropping on them. "Don't know but surely not now" he commented. "Do you love anyone?" the mom asked one more question waiting patiently for an answer. Kai shrugged his shoulders not ready to give the info to anyone. "It's time to go" a voice said breaking the conversation between the two in the kitchen. "Bye," he greeted his mom before taking his keys and rushing out of the door.


At the studio

"You guys are late, there are some clothes for you guys with your names on, go wear them fast, fast" their manager commanded them in a hurry, pointing to the changing rooms right next to the stage. They all complied and moved to get changed. Kai was the first one to have finished changing, he had a white shirt and a pair of black jeans on while the remaining members were all dressed in black from head to toe. "But seriously why did we have to change weren't the other clothes okay?" Chris asked arranging the hoodie he had been given. Their manager just straight-up ignored them and left the photographer to give them instructions on how they were supposed to stay.

Kai was in the middle front with Fanum, while the remaining people were around them since they were the tallest of the group. "I ain't even that short!" Fanum complained while staring at the photographer in fake anger.

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