"Yeah," Minji says. "But I... I can't because... there's this stupid case going on which I took up, foolishly thinking it was a minor one. But then it got complicated and became a big serious one and it has been dragging on, and will probably still drag on, for a while along with the few other things I'm handling which is... It's just a total mess." Minji raises a hand to press at her temples at the
thought of it and Hanni eyes her sympathetically. "It doesn't help that the firm also just expanded so mentor has been trusting me with more responsibilities and I have to deal with all the junior lawyers and the interns too. And Yeji keeps bothering me about her cases because I'm her senior and she is so so annoyingly precise about checking every single detail with me and I just-" she pauses, noticing how Hanni had gone quiet, just listening to her with her head tilted upwards as her chin rests on Minji's chest. There's this look on her face that Minji can't really decipher and she wonders if her rambling has made Hanni bored. "I... I'm sorry I shouldn't be going on about my work on a weekend... Not when you just woke up with a hangover-"
"Oh no no Min, it's fine," Hanni says tightening her hold around Minji's wais

"You can go on..."

Minji rarely talks about her work like this, it was always Hanni who had been sharing about her job and Minji would just listen to her quietly. She had no idea Minji was this frustrated and had been bombarded with these many tasks. No wonder she always seems so... tense.

"It's okay, I don't want to bore you with my-"
"You're not," Hanni tells her, her eyebrows furrowing. Was that why she never talks about her job?

"You're not boring me Minji, it's just... It's the longest I've ever heard you talked about
work and..." Hanni mumbles the next part out, "the longest I've actually heard you spoken... in a while now."
That made Minji feel extremely bad.

"Oh... I..." Minji wants to apologise again. She feels
awful. Had she really been neglecting Hanni this much? She didn't mean to. She feels like a terrible girlfriend. "I'm so sorry Han I-"

"No no... it's okay..." Hanni says. "I... I'm sorry too, I didn't know you were dealing with so much... Just... Just keep talking, please... I want to know what's been going on with your job anyway, you know since they keep stealing you away from me," she huffs.

"And besides..." she mumbles out the next part shyly. "I... I just really miss hearing your voice Min."

Minji stares at her girlfriend in a daze. "Oh..." she says feeling her heart flutter at the

"Oh... Okay um... well..." she went on telling Hanni about why she had been working overtime so much recently and why her schedule had changed to even having to work on Saturdays. Some stuff was rather technical and others even related to some politics in her office, and Hanni listens to her, nodding understandingly.

When Minji was done, Hanni lets her continue to hug her as she tried to digest her words. "So... You're saying you probably would still be this busy... Until probably a couple of months later..." Hanni repeats.

"Yes... Unfortunately..." Minji tells her. "I mean, I'll try to wrap things up earlier if possible but... I hope you won't be too upset... Or think that I'm ignoring you on purpose. Because I'm really not, and I'm so sorry if I ever made you feel neglected babe... I-"

Hanni cuts her off when she pulls away from her abruptly.
Hanni wants to say it's alright... Wants to tell her that it's not a big deal. But to be honest it was.

With her personality, she's not okay with it, despite now being more understanding about it since she has a clearer picture, and she probably will not be until Minji becomes less busy again...

But she can only suck it up and make do with however much time Minji had to spare at the moment... At least until her bigger cases were over and the new firm has settled down, according to Minji's explanation.

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