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When Minji finally reaches the couch without toppling the both of them over, she heaves a sigh of relief. Hanni still doesn't let go of her though, even after the door has long been shut behind them.

Minji tries to put Hanni down, but Hanni only shakes her head. "Babe, come on," Minji lets out, trying to peel her arms off.

"Nuh-uh," Hanni whines. "I don't wanna!"

Giving up from exhaustion from the stressful day, and the weight of the both of them, Minji sits down on the couch instead, with Hanni still clinging onto her.

Hanni grins, a playful glint in her eyes taking note of their position. She straddles Minji and when the older of the two looks at her in question, she leans in to press kisses all over Minji face.

"Alright alright," Minji laughs, wondering what has gotten into her girlfriend. She tugs at Hanni's face, stopping her to give her a final kiss on the lips. "That's enough now, baby." Hanni pouts at the comment, when Minji ends her kiss fest with a gentle pat on the cheek. Then Minji is trying to remove her arms from around her neck again.

"Hanni-ah, you need to let go
so I can–"

"No!" she huffs.
Minji sighed once again. Drunk Hanni may be adorable and clingy, but she's also extremely stubborn and a handful. "Why not?"
"Because..." Hanni starts to mumble. "If I let go," she almost sounds sad now. "Minji will leave..."

Minji furrows her eyebrows at that. What was Hanni talking about?
"But Hanni," she tells her again gently this time. "I'm not going anywhere. Could you let go of me please?" Of course, Hanni shakes her head again. "It's late babe, I'm really not going anywhere. All the shops are closed you know. I just... I want to talk to you properly, please?"
"Promise?" Hanni asks, her voice childlike. Minji nods, feeling her heart melt a little. She gently lifts at Hanni's  waist and places her down next to herself on the couch after that.

Minji lets out a tired scoff. This girl will be the death of her. She helps removes the jacket on Hanni as the younger woman started grumbling about how hot it was. When she was done she stares at Hanni for a moment, her rosy cheeks paired with streaks of bangs stuck to her forehead probably from the heat of the alcohol. Hanni has her back pressed into the couch, leaning slightly to the side, almost falling over. Minji laughs at the sight before ruffling her hair just for fun and Hanni grunts, swatting her hand away in disapproval.

You're so cute. She thinks.
Another chuckle leaves her lips as Minji gets up wanting to go get some water... But just then, Hanni grabs onto her hand frantically.
"Unnie..." she whines softly.
"I'm just going to get you some water," Minji explains. Hanni shakes her head, holding onto her hand tightly still. "Unnie, don't go..." she whispers, as though she's afraid. "Don't leave me..."
Minji's eyebrows furrowed.

She had thought that when Hanni had asked her not to leave, she meant that she doesn't want Minji to go out of the house, literally... Because well, she was drunk and spouting nonsense. But... Could it actually be something more serious?

Was Hanni somehow afraid that Minji would leave her? Because Minji would never.

She has never once had that thought.

Minji frowns at the possibility of that. She crouch down, a hand cupping at the side of Hanni's neck. Hanni leans into her cool touch, a pout forming on her lips as her sad puppy-like eyes met Minji's.

Minji felt her heart break a little bit at the sight. She runs her thumb over Hanni's skin before she leans in to give her a gentle peck. When she pulls away, Hanni isn't pouting anymore. So she leans in again to press another kiss to her forehead, to her cheekbones, and to the corner of her lips. Hanni's lips tug upwards.

Love Me (Bbangsaz)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora