I Am Certain... (Part 2)

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"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the..."

Grim Reaper, the afterlife's inn-keeper, intentionally turns happy families into a bunch of dim weepers

Strike without warning, leaving kin folk in mourning, taking victims wether they're out and about or in the hospital they were born in, regardless of if it's a nice day or if the rain is pouring, I'm the biggest threat to your population, yet you worry more about global warming?

Get your priorities in order, otherwise, you might be the next victim that I slaughter

Holding your fate in my bony palms, you think you can win me over with your phoney charm? Ha! Please, I see you there, scared shitless as you jump into your homies arms

On some Scooby Doo shit, but I ain't some disguised nut case, I'm the thing people try and out pace in a life long foot race

But I always prevail, when I draw near, my victims become frail, when I've claimed what I need, their coffin's lined with nails

Grim Reaper, kills mics like King Geedorah, feel the bass in his voice travel through your twin speakers

Put on these tracks and mash, Reaper causing Demolition like Ax and Smash, yet people worry more about tax and cash?

What's that? Pardon, you think I won't leave you pushing up daisies in your own back garden? Feel my grip around your soul harden as the room begins to darken

Putting an end to this life thing when the scythe swings, after the slicing, your soul sticks to the blade like icing, you get to live forever where I take you, doesn't that sound enticing?

Yes, you lose all of your Earthly possessions, but let's admit it, your attraction to them is an unhealthy obsession

Born with nothing, leave with nothing, you can't take anything with you, your soul is the only thing that I went ahead and withdrew, it doesn't matter what you lived through, you can't keep the souvenirs, you'll just have to find someone for them to give to

Grim Reaper, the underworld's ring leader, here to collect your tired soul and make your kin grievers

Taking souls as currency like an evil loan shark, ya'll think that you're big dogs? You get scared listening to your own bark! I might be in the halls whenever your home's dark, yet you people are more concerned when you see your phone spark?

Not your average 6'2" guy with tantalising blue eyes, I have the great privilege of deciding who lives and who dies

Face unseen, draped in a hooded cloak but I'm not tryna be edgy like emo girls with studded chokes, you don't wanna mess with me, I'm a cold-blooded bloke

I do my job without any messing, I'm the reason you shouldn't count your blessings, I'm the reason why you keep second guessing, I'm the looming doom that is always pressing, I'm the reason why most of you are stressing

I'm the reason people worry when you try and hurt 'em, beliefs about me divide nations like the Iron Curtain, but the one thing you can't deny, is that you will fall to me because I am death and I am certain!

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