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The realization hit him as soon as Lucifer told army leader that he would spare him his angelic life, there was truly no way for him to win this unwinnable battle. Those holy weapons that they had were doing serious damage to his army, luckily for once he wasn't selfless, he thought about the other angels who were fighting with him, if he let this carry on for too long his perfect army would have been wiped out. He was quite lucky that they hadn't killed him already, he was quite thankful for that.

It took a small minute or so for him to recover, the bigger angel did feel quite nauseous, he had sustained a couple of terrible injuries but they would heal with enough time. A minute had passed, the princess and her friends were still there, watching his every move. However, they were mainly staring at his unmasked face which made him slightly uncomfortable, he honestly preferred keeping the thing on and keeping his scarred face hidden.

"Take your little friends and GO HOME! Please" the demon king said before he finally went out of that weird demonic form that he was battling in. The angel was about to call off the exterminators and fly back until he noticed something.

His lieutenant, Lute was no where to be seen. The bigger angel looked around to see if he could find her anywhere, there were piles and piles of rubble that belonged to the now destroyed hotel, yet his favourite exterminator couldn't be easily missed. He thought that she would have ran up to him and given him a hug when she saw him still alive and breathing, yet that wasn't the case. She wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Something told those pathetic demons that he was worried about his dear friend because that dumb ex exterminator spoke up, telling him the exact thing that he needed to hear. "If you're looking for Lute, she's currently in the main area of the hotel. Just get her and go" she said while pointing to a destroyed area of the hotel.

Adam was slightly skeptical at first but eventually he gave in, he needed to see if Lute was alright. The bigger angel lifted himself from the filthy and unclean ground before he took to the skies of this disgusting place after a short minute of staring at each of the demons Infront of him and quickly headed over to the place that she pointed at.

It took a small minute for him to finally spot her, the place was absolutely covered in filth and that made it somewhat hard to see but right then and there he finally saw her shining grace after many long minutes apart. He quickly noticed that her arm was completely trapped underneath a huge piece of rubble and it seemed like she couldn't move at all. She was trying everything she could to set her imprisoned hand free yet nothing seemed to work, the smaller angel tried to pull it out, break the giant piece of rubble by punching and scratching at it or another stupid thing that didn't seem work and it looked like she was loosing hope, her attempts were getting weaker and sloppy until she finally stopped. After a really short moment he heard something that he would never forget. Crying.

To Adam it seemed like this was happening due to her trapped arm yet it was much deeper than that. She had a couple of thoughts fluttering around in her mind, she thought that she had completely failed her beloved boss and that wasn't the only thing, there was this pesky and heartaching feeling that she would never see him again.

She kept her head facing down, her white hair covering her beautiful features while her free hand whiped the tears away from her face. The battle was already finished, she knew because she heard nothing being destroyed and there were no more major screams. Her mind flooded with the worst possibility. Did he die? This would explain her random feeling. Yet there was a chance that he was safe and that he already flew back to the safety of heaven after destroying the hotel and it's cursed inhabitants.

If this was true then she was glad that he was safe. However she could only think of the worse, her head kept repeating the same phrase over and over 'He didn't die!' as panic started to rise in her her crying somehow got even worse and that urge to free herself was back. Once again she tried to do everything she possibly could, harming herself in the process. If Adam was hurt, or even dead, she wanted to avange him by finishing off whoever had killed him and the rest of those demons. This behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Adam as he witnessed all those emotions play out.

It took a couple of painstakingly long seconds before the bigger angel did anything, but he finally did. The leader of the army flew down towards his dear partner in crime and placed a hand calmly on her stiff shoulder.

She looked up at him with those same watery eyes and he couldn't help but do the same. After all, he was thrilled to see that she wasn't killed by the stupid beings they swore to destroy when they began this army. Tears began to flood his yellow eyes as he crouched down to embrace the smaller figure. Lute held him back with her available arm and continued to sob on his robe, this time it was different. They were happy tears, she was glad to see that her boss wasn't killed, there were a few scratches and bruises on his face and that one terrible injury on his arm but he was still alive and breathing, which made her absolutely thrilled.

They separated from the lovely embrace after a short minute, the bigger angel looked at the pesky rubble that was causing all this trouble for his favourite angel. Without a second to spare he blasted that giant piece of rock into thousands of tiny pieces with a flick of his divine finger. He looked back down at his partner, who was already checking her arm to see just how damaged it truly was. He didn't think twice when he decided to hug her once again, this time the smaller angel hugged him back with both of her arms.

They stayed in the embrace until they couldn't any longer. Adam let go of the figure and she sadly did the same but before Adam could even explain what was going to happen next, she kissed him. He truly didn't expect it at all but he accepted it non the less, it lasted far shorter than what he would have wanted but he knew exactly why. This was their first kiss after all.

Adam just looked down and smirked at Lute as her face grew flustered, she kept opening and closing mouth like she was looking for the correct words that she needed to say. They eventually arrived and she was glad that Adam waited long enough to let her explain herself "I'm so sorry sir, I was under the thought that I would never see you again and I think that influenced me to do such a vile thing, I'm so deeply sor-" but before she could finish something caught her lips. This time however, Adam had kissed her, did this mean he liked her back she thought.

The second kiss finally ended, Lute looked up into his golden eyes as he smiled. "You know, I've always wanted to do that" he said as Lute switched her flustered face into one that was confused and shocked. Before Lute could even ask about what he had meant by that he was already answering her question "Hah, I've had a crush on ya for a while danger tits yet i just didnt know how to tell ya. You arent like the other women I've seen, you're difficult to find information about. Especially about crushes or love life." He said while grabbing onto her hips, she couldn't respond at all, she was full of mixed emotions yet she gave off a smile of pure glee, this satisfied Adam enough.

He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before Adam finally had that chance to explain what was going to happen with today's extermination, "Alright Lutey, to quickly sum some things up, Lucifer spared me my life and i relized that there was literly no way we could have won that battle so now I'm here to come and get you, were now taking our leave to head home"

She hummed in approval, her eyes were puffy from all the crying that she had done yet somehow she still wasn't done and her voice was raspy, he had heard it when she was giving off her explanation to that delightful kiss. She gave off small sobs from time to time as she grabbed onto Adam's sleeve. He decided it was best for him to wait until she finally calmed down. Which in all honesty didn't exactly take that long, it was only around three and a half minutes later when her sobbing finally finished.

The bigger angel got up off of the ground once again and a held out a hand for Lute to grab onto, she gladly accepted the offer, grabbing it and pulling herself up, once they were both finally ready to go, the duo flew out from the destroyed section of the hotel. They held hands as they flew towards the divine portal that brought them there in the first place. They stopped a couple of feet infront of it as Adam called back his warriors "Alright bitches, fall back. We're going home" Lute looked down towards the hotel and saw just how bad it truly was, there were multiple bodies of dead exorcists and countless dead demons. The angels flew up towards their mighty commander and his lieutenant, not even one of them decided to stop and question why the two of them were holding hands.

After a couple of angel flew through the divine portal Adam and Lute finally went through together. Never letting go of eachothers hands and they made their way into a much better and enjoyable place. Heaven. Their precious home.

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