Emilie POV
I stood in front of his door and didn't know what to do. I want him. But I didn't want to mess up our friendship. I took a deep breath and got into his apartment. I was here before but I felt so different. I started looking for him but he wasn't in his kitchen or living room. I made my way to his bedroom but he wasn't there either. I stood in the middle of the room when he came in.
"So you found the way to my bed yourself. I don't even have to take you?" He laughed and I nearly died because of the shook he gave me.
"Charles! I was looking for you" I said.
"You found me. I didn't thought you would come"
"I can go again?" I said and made may way to the door. He stopped me by grabbing my wrist.
"now you're already here.... We could watch a movie or something?"
"Ok but I choose." I said and made my way to the big couch in his living room. I spend so many time on here it's seemed normal.
He laid down beside me but with room between us.
"How about we just watch some TV" I said.
"Oh well ok we can do that." He turned on the TV and there was silence between us.

Charles POV
Why the hell was I nervous? I'm never nervous. Not when it's about woman. Why does she make me nervous. I can't be the only one that feels tension between us and she came so I knew she wanted it to. Suddenly she stood up and sat down on my lap without saying anything.
"Well that was easy" she said.
"I didn't thought I could do it. But I just did so now it's your turn before I die on embarrassment"
I still don't understand what she wants because I had to concentrate just to listen to her.
"I don't understand I'm distracted" I said while I looked hi to her eyes.
"So I distract you?"
"Well you're beautiful and on top me so... yes" she started blushing. But didn't said anything.
"You're ok with it?" I needed to hear that.
"It's just a one time thing isn't it? Just to let out that tension." She asked.
"Yea just to let it out." I said.
"Then do me"
I didn't need more. I grabbed her neck and kissed her. She kissed her way down my neck and my hand moved to her waist. I picked her up and moved us to my bed. I laid her down and got on top of her. She started undressing and I noticed her underwear. "You're wearing red for me"
"It's my favorite" she said and I continued kissing her. My hands were everywhere. I couldn't keep a straight thought.
"I need you" she stared moaning.
I couldn't control me no longer. I got rid of my pants and did everything she wanted me to. I never felt this good before.

I got strait into the shower once we were finished and she joined Right after.
„You know it only counts as one time when we weren't dressed in between?" she said as she touched my chest.
„You're right." I said and kissed her again. Suddenly she started kissing her wavy down. I was completely in shock and didn't move till she started. I was in heaven.
Suddenly I heard someone coming into my apartment and stopped her. She wanted to say something but I covered her mouth with my hand. That's when I heard who it was. Max. „I'm in the shower! Give me a minute!"
„What is he doing here?!" she whispered.
„I don't know he shouldn't be here before 8!" that's when we realized we spent the whole night together.
„Fuck! I need to get out!"
„I'm going out and distract him so you can leave"
„Thank you so much"
„Well I have to thank you" I smiled and she started blushing.

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